
Bill Donahue

This page is dedicated to Bill Donahue to whom we have become eternally indebted to for the 800+ videos he has left us as a legacy of his tenacious and passionate brilliance in cutting through the vale of contemporary religious understandings and reflecting back to us the truth that all seekers seek and perhaps the real intent of the story tellers from our past.
" Thank You Bill!!!

Please go to Bill's website and be sure to donate to the cause of appreciation and keeping this extremely valuable information available!

The video to the right is a good one to start with. Called "The Bible is All About the Mind"

We are listing the videos here because we could not find them on their website  and encourage everyone to visit there and make a donation to support them!!! at We have only just begun to explore these videos and can't wait to view them all!

You can click on the titles in the list below and open the videos in YouTube.


If the link embedded in the title does not automatically open the video... right-click over the title and copy the link and paste it in your browser manually.

Zodiac & The BibleZodiac4
The Zodiacal ClockZodiac16
Uranus And AquariusZodiac24
Uranus And The ChakrasZodiac34
Let's Talk About The ZodiacZodiac89
Symbols In The SkyZodiac104
Headache From The StarsZodiac181
Astrology In ChristianityZodiac216
Aquarius: What Aquarius Means To YouZodiac277
Aquarius: What Aquarius Means To You Part 2Zodiac280
Astrology In The New TstamentZodiac294
Pluto Is ReadyZodiac337
Aquarius Cant Stop Bad GuysZodiac342
Plutonic ViolenceZodiac343
Uranus: All About ItZodiac433
Aquarius: Doorway To AquariusZodiac539
Uranus And Your BodyZodiac792
Stars Are SpeakingZodiac828
Let Them Be For SignsZodiac870
Roasted LambZodiac878
Pisces The FishConstellations12
Sagittarius 1Constellations15
Sagittarius 2Constellations19

Driving Out The Money ChangersNew Testament2
The Jesus Nobody KnowsNew Testament3
Jesus And The Fig TreeNew Testament4
The Great WeddingNew Testament17
Many Are Called Few Are ChosenNew Testament18
New Heaven A New Earth, A New YouNew Testament20
Water Of LifeNew Testament21
Vineyard In UsNew Testament23
Jesus Against ReligionNew Testament26
Kingdom Of LightNew Testament29
Vineyard On The Right SideNew Testament39
Render To CaesarNew Testament40
Seven BrothersNew Testament43
Jesus Walks On WaterNew Testament45
Jesus: Confronting JesusNew Testament46
What Did Jesus Mean ?New Testament48
Death Of John The Baptist    What Does It Mean ?New Testament67
Born Again A Good Idea ?New Testament70
Jesus Teaching: I AmNew Testament77
Jesus Christianity Lost JesusNew Testament85
Power WithinNew Testament112
Judas Wasn't A Bad Guy After AllNew Testament124
As In The Days Of NoahNew Testament129
BetrayelNew Testament 136
All This Must HappenNew Testament143
Dont Trouble The WomanNew Testament150
Jesus TemperNew Testament163
Resurrection Always WasNew Testament173
Womans FaithNew Testament176
Holy HypocritesNew Testament180
Where Vultures GatherNew Testament193
One Stays The Other GoesNew Testament213
Second Coming Of ChristNew Testament214
Jesus The BlasphemerNew Testament215
Phallic FigNew Testament219
Cock CrowsNew Testament234
Sun And The ChristNew Testament236
What Is Christ ?New Testament242
I Wash My Hands Of This MessNew Testament248
Jesus: The Kingdom Like A NetNew Testament249
If I Could Touch The HemNew Testament253
Rich Own The TombNew Testament260
Crucifixion And Common SenseNew Testament263
Overcoming The MindNew Testament272
Deceiver Is GoneNew Testament302
Boss Checks The JobNew Testament311
Trumpet And The Fig TreeNew Testament319
Whats Wrong With YouNew Testament321
Drop Your Pants And RunNew Testament324
What The Heck Is That ?New Testament328
Jesus Strange EncounterNew Testament329
Up On  The RoofNew Testament335
Keys To The KingdomNew Testament350
Mystery of The Bread And WineNew Testament354
One Becomes TwoNew Testament370
Stars Are FallingNew Testament372
Miracles And Close FriendsNew Testament378
Goodbye Jesus, Count Me OutNew Testament381
Virgin BirthNew Testament387
New CovenantNew Testament388
Jesus Was Jesus A MythNew Testament396
Let The Deceiver Be DeceivedNew Testament409
Woman At The WellNew Testament429
Dead Man At The GateNew Testament438
To Know Christ  Know YourselfNew Testament468
Behold Whats ObviousNew Testament471
Alone On An IslandNew Testament478
Jesus: The Hiding PlaceNew Testament521
Matthews Greatest Hits Part 2New Testament523
Jesus Abandoned ReligionNew Testament548
Weak Inherit The EarthNew Testament578
What Does Blood Sacrifice Really Mean ?New Testament581
Crucifixion Is In Your SkullNew Testament665
Let The Dead Bury The DeadNew Testament686
Little Boy Lost And Forty TwqoNew Testament768
Crucifixion, Cosmic Mind, And The BibleNew Testament788
Jesus We ChangedNew Testament821
Doom StoryNew Testament871
ParablesNew Testament875
Emerald Tablets: Alien Invasion ?Emerald Tablets685
Emerald Tablets UFO Commander And ChristEmerald Tablets688
Emerald Tablets Thoth And JesusEmerald Tablets689
Emerald Tablets Alien WriterEmerald Tablets690
Emerald Tablets Jesus Close Alien FriendEmerald Tablets691
Emerald Tablets Khem To KabbalaEmerald Tablets692
Emerald Tablets HermesEmerald Tablets693
Emerald Tablet Fear & The Emerald TabletEmerald Tablet695
Emerald Tablets Is Jesus An AlienEmerald Tablets696
Emerald Tablets The Ancient, And The Astro ChristEmerald Tablets697
Emerald Tablets 64 TetrahedronEmerald Tablets698
Emerald Tablets  Dark BrothersEmerald Tablets700
2012 And Beyond A Whole Lot Of Shaking Going OnTwenty Twelve423
2012 And Beyond Winds Of ChangeTwenty Twelve508
2012 And Beyond Jesus FactorTwenty Twelve579
2012 And Beyond What's It All AboutTwenty Twelve637
2012 And Beyond Disembodied MindTwenty Twelve641
2012 And Beyond Society Will ChangeTwenty Twelve652
2012 And Beyond Cosmic Passover Twenty Twelve663
2012 And Beyond Eight Spoked WheelTwenty Twelve670
2012 And Beyond Gathering StormTwenty Twelve671
2012 And Beyond Hell And BaptismTwenty Twelve677
2012 And Beyond The Great Change Right Here Right NowTwenty Twelve678
2012 And Beyond Here Comes The SunTwenty Twelve680
2012 And Beyond CountdownTwenty Twelve703
2012 And Beyond Alpha & OmegaTwenty Twelve704
2012 And Beyond Are We Responsible ?Twenty Twelve705
2012 And Beyond Omega PointTwenty Twelve706
2012 And Beyond Our Secret LivesTwenty Twelve707
2012 And Beyond Our World Today, The Omega PointTwenty Twelve739
Your InheritanceRevelation27
Lambs WifeRevelation30
Marriage Of The SunRevelation32
Measure The CityRevelation34
Building The WallRevelation37
I Come QuicklyRevelation47
The Golden GirdleRevelation76
Dark SayingsRevelation90
A New NameRevelation184
Was The Crucifixion In Jerusalem or Egypt ?Revelation275
Synagogue Of SatanRevelation306
As A ThiefRevelation313
Four Horses Of The ApocalypseRevelation356
666 And 144Revelation383
Babylon Has FallenRevelation385
Lift OffRevelation391
Smoke Gets In Your EyesRevelation398
Trumpet TalksRevelation410
Man With Seven StarsRevelation446
Three Sevens, Chakras, Seals, ChurchesRevelation515
Around The ThroneRevelation557
Lighted SevenRevelation558
Sea Called CrystalRevelation559
Beast With Six WingsRevelation569
Dead LambRevelation571
Revelation PrimerRevelation589
Armageddon MythRevelation596
Six Six Six Revelation666
Woman And The SeaRevelation672
Serpent And The WomanRevelation721
Seventh Angel and FireRevelation766
Jesus Returns In A Hail Of BulletsRevelation 824
Open The Seven SealsRevelation830
Eye In The SkyRevelation840
Eye And seven SealsRevelation877
You Left Your First LoveRevelation881
Sun SaviorRevelation883
Seventh Angel & The White HorseRevelation884
Spirit And QuantumPhoton103
Proving God By Proving LightPhoton303
Space And TimeQuantum320
The Next WorldQuantum339
Wimps In The WindQuantum373
Electric Sky, Brain, And YouElectro Magnetic435
Invisible AlienPhoton436
Parallel Universe   The Face In The MirrorParallel Universe441
Atom And EveAtom445
Electro PersonElectro Magnetic448
Seeing In A New LightPhoton475
Parallel UniverseParallel Universe534
Dark SecretsQuantum553
Parallel WorldsParallel Universe565
Wave The Meat Or Wave The PhotonQuantum598
Knock Knock Anybody There?Photon599
King PhotonPhoton600
Secret WorldParallel Universe611
Am I Seeing ThingsQuantum617
We  Are Electrical AppliancesElectro Magnetic619
Photon, Sound, Karma, The WavePhoton654
Sweet Dreams And The Night CrusherDreams655
You As Photon Cannot DiePhoton681
Dreaming In A Parallel  PlaceDreams699
Photon Light Angles, Are AngelsPhoton709
God And We Are ElectricElectro Magnetic713
Photon, God And Us, What's It All About ?Photon731
Photon YouPhoton736
Quantum: You And The UniverseQuantum737
Quantum LeapQuantum746
Photon Proves GodPhoton763
Quantum: Light And LunacyPhoton772
Color Does Not ExistColor786
The Magnificent TwinsQuantum790
Throwing The Switch Turns You OnElectro Magnetic800
We Are Light Particles In BodiesPhoton801
Photon: Color CoatOld Testament803
Photon Go ForthPhoton817
Invisible PhotonPhoton818
Angels  Of LightPhoton819
Photon ExperimentPhoton820
The Torn CurtainQuantum831
Light PersonPhoton832
Someone Out There Is CallingPhoton846
The Invisible OnesPhoton851
Spooky StuffPhoton852
What's Happening Now, Happened BeforeParallel Universe853
Teleporting  You And MeTeleportation857
Quantum Entanglement:  The MessengerPhoton865
Old Testament And Thoughts About The Bible
Isaiah Book Of Isaiah 1Old Testament75
Burnt OfferingsOld Testament113
Abraham Kill Your SonOld Testament124
Noahs Ark  Tower Of BabelOld Testament198
Melchizedek:Tithing To MelchizedekOld Testament200
Which Is The Real Genesis ?Old Testament218
Rape Of The VirginOld Testament233
Make Believe ProstituteOld Testament235
David And GoliathOld Testament237
Isaiah  Cruising Up Highway 9Old Testament259
Jonah And SamsonOld Testament267
How Holy Is Holy Communion ?Old Testament278
Isaiah  The Cake Is Upside DownOld Testament285
Samson and DelilahOld Testament291
Jonah  Man OverboardOld Testament298
Pastors Have Made A MessOld Testament301
Garden of Eden Part 1Old Testament305
Garden Of Eden Part 2Old Testament309
Solomon And Six Six SixOld Testament312
Hand With No ArmOld Testament340
King David, Murder And MayhemOld Testament384
He Raped His SisterOld Testament404
Milk And Honey In The GardenOld Testament413
Fire On The MountainOld Testament428
Garden Of Eden, Tree Of LifeOld Testament431
Abraham And Sarah Never HappenedOld Testament457
Adam And Eve, Cain And AbelOld Testament482
CreationOld Testament484
Sodom & Gomorrah Part 1Old Testament488
An Eye For An EyeOld Testament490
Barren Becky Gives BirthOld Testament491
Whose Sitting On GodOld Testament497
Barren And The CircumcisedOld Testament503
Abraham 90 Year Old Sarah Is PregnantOld Testament507
Abraham Dishonest AbeOld Testament508
Christianity From A Fortune Teller And A Man From IranOld Testament517
Are You Ready To GoOld Testament518
Gods Chosen Sex MachineOld Testament531
Jacobs LadderOld Testament562
Along Comes RachelOld Testament563
Flood Noah and NOAAOld Testament616
Sodom & Gomorrah Part 2Old Testament626
Jonah Tall Tale & A Hungry WhaleOld Testament634
Abraham I Want You to Kill The KidOld Testament653
Melchizedek: Dark Visitor Part 1Old Testament673
Melchizedek Dark Visitor Part 2Old Testament674
Power Of ELOld Testament805
Splitting The AdamOld Testament835
Twenty Third PsalmOld Testament876
Exodus Heavy Handed MosesExodus434
Devil WaterExodus463
Exodus Manna CottiExodus464
Exodus Water From The RockExodus467
Exodus Rules and RegulationsExodus489
Exodus Priest And Seven DaughtersExodus499
Exodus The Bush Talks And Its Not GeorgeExodus524
Exodus Rod Spine  Equals  Serpent KundaliniExodus525
Exodus Frogs Blood And HailExodus532
Exodus PassoverExodus533
Exodus Slaughter Of The InnocentsExodus538
Exodus The Red Sea Your Escape RouteExodus541
Exodus Doorway To FreedomExodus561
Aaron's Rod Buds Almonds In Our BrainExodus580
Exodus Why God Tried To Kill MosesExodus683
Josephs Coat Of Many ColorsJoseph353
Joseph Jesus And The SunJoseph363
Josephs Color Coat Butler and BakerJoseph371
Josephs Coat: One Sun GodJoseph374
Joseph Bring The ChildJoseph530
Joseph Sex, Drugs, And The Spotted CowJoseph641
Joseph The Child Will Not GoJoseph714
Joseph The Child Comes ForthJoseph716
Joseph The Silver CupJoseph717
Song Of Songs: Behold You Are FairSong134
Song of Songs: Our Bed  Is GreenSong273
Song Of Songs: The Voice Of The TurtleSong274
Song Of Songs: The Watchman KnowsSong279
Song Of Songs: The Armory Is Open Song284
Song Of Songs: I Married My SisterSong286
Song of Songs Magic GardenSong300
Song Of Songs: What's He Look LikeSong408
Song Of Songs: Missing Person AlertSong540
Song Of Songs: Between Her BreastsSong638
Song Of Songs: Little FoxesSong751
Animal In UsBuddha66
World Of TranquilityBuddha68
World Of HellBuddha80
Rapture Many Have MissedBuddha88
Voice Of PeaceBuddha122
Ten Worlds Of The MindBuddha142
Oh My MindBuddha228
Which One Are YouBuddha257
When Decent People Get HurtBuddha287
Poor MaryBuddha333
Christianity From BuddhismBuddha380
Cause And EffectBuddha394
Mind Of The KnifeBuddha422
I Believe In MeBuddha479
Teachings Of BuddhaBuddha848
Three TruthsBuddha849
Breaking The ChainBuddha868
East vs WestBuddha889
Ten Commandments Part 1Ten Commandments449
Ten Commandments Part 2Ten Commandments450
Ten Commandments Part 3Ten Commandments451
Ten Commandments Part 4Ten Commandments452
Ten Commandments Part 5Ten Commandments453
Ten Commandments Part 6Ten Commandments454
Ten Commandments Part 7Ten Commandments455
Religious HypocritesReligion62
Keep your ten percentReligion78
New Age vs Old AgeReligion119
Constantine Dark AgesReligion182
Church TyrantsReligion187
Healing: Religious And New Age HealingHealing288
Prayer: Public PrayerReligion327
Religion Vs TruthReligion346
Those Who Ignore The SignsReligion347
Who Started ReligionReligion355
Christianity From Ancient CultsReligion357
Religion And Societies Of EvilReligion362
Religions Problem With WomenReligion376
Christian Heritage From The Dark  AgesReligion377
Many Gods Born of VirginsReligion393
Gnostics   The Great SecretReligion397
Kabala: Zohar KabbalaReligion400
Christianity or ChristReligion405
Road BackReligion407
Truth SlayersReligion411
God Made Me Do ItReligion419
God: A Reasonable GodGod460
Nightmare Called ReligionReligion462
Religion And Scary PeopleReligion470
Prayer: What Is Prayer ?Religion485
Kabala Ancient MagicReligion520
Religious Child AbusePedophilia522
Evils Of ReligionReligion543
Cherubim and CerebrumReligion572
Religion Equals ConflictReligion595
Religion vs RealityReligion612
Parents Beginning Of TroubleReligion613
Angels: Send An AngelReligion618
Things We Thought We Knew But Really Did NotReligion625
Everyone Is An AtheistReligion636
Holy Days And The MindReligion639
Pedophilia And ReligionReligion640
Christianity: Origin Of ChristianityReligion642
Religion The Bible and PhotonPhoton684
Our Bizarre BeliefsReligion755
Religion is A CultReligion771
It's All A MythReligion774
Islam: Understanding AllahReligion783
Salvation FromWhatReligion789
Tangled WebReligion793
Talking In TonguesReligion806
Hell: Is There A HellReligion811
Who Told Us What To Believe ?Religion815
Prayer: Deadly PrayerPrayer816
Angles,  Angels, And ChangeAngels823
Religion Is MythologyReligion842
Dangerous ReligionReligion854
You Can't Be One With AnythingReligion860
Tithing Part 1Religion887
Tithing Part 2Religion888
Strange Ones Instructed UsReligion891
The CircleBhagavad Gita60
Nature Will Nourish YouBhagavad Gita63
Results of What You DidBhagavad Gita72
Eternal SelfBhagavad Gita84
BeginningBhagavad Gita91
Blue Black BoyBhagavad Gita 102
Meditate On MeBhagavad Gita116
Nature Compels You To ActBhagavad Gita122
They Act To Be SeenBhagavad Gita128
Seven ChakrasChakras137
Absent From The Body In OMBhagavad Gita138
Water Lily Is DryBhagavad Gita144
Don't Do  Anothers DutyBhagavad Gita159
My Friend, My Enemy, MyselfBhagavad Gita174
Unity of  LifeBhagavad Gita204
This Is No Time To QuitBhagavad Gita208
Self ControlBhagavad Gita241
Meditation of DeathBhagavad Gita266
Eternal SecretBhagavad Gita310
Secret SerpentKundalini345
Cup Of SomaBhagavad Gita765
Me Plus Me Equals YouBhagavad Gita782
Bhagavad Gita ReviewBhagavad Gita785
Bhagavad Gita In PositionNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Endeavor Is Never WastedNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Spirit Kills NotNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita The Tortoise WithdrawsNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Rise Above Them AllNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Food Is The Product Of RainNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita What Are QualitiesNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita  At Last It Was ForgottenNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Born Again BluesNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Action and InactionNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Expect NothingNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Consumed By FireNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Action to RealizationNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita The Ferry Boat Of WisdomNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gits: Two As OneNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita  WarNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Conquer Your EnemiesNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita God Will Not Take The BlameNot Uploaded as of yet
Bhagavad Gita Its MeNot Uploaded as of yet
Hidden MeaningsHidden Meanings1
So Long Charles, A Friend Of Hidden Meanings LeavesHidden Meanings93
Hidden Meanings How It BeganHidden Meanings115
Questions From You To MeHidden Meanings395
Roundtable 1Hidden Meanings Discussion535
Roundtable 2Hidden Meanings Discussion536
Roundtable 3Hidden Meanings Discussion537
Proving The MessageHidden Meanings784
Brain Bible And UniverseBrain140
Pineal, Brain, And The Dark Eyed WomanPineal Gland Single Eye292
Made In The Image Of Mom And DadHuman Beings308
Universe Web, World Web, Brain WebBrain330
Lifes Purpose And Why We Are HereLife336
An Autopsy On YouMind338
Shadow KnowsMind366
Talking To The PinealPineal Gland Single Eye368
Force Within YouMind379
Pineal TemplePineal Gland Single Eye399
Stranger UpstairsMind416
Sexual RepressionJung, Carl417
Conscious NothingMind418
Cosmic LawMind437
Let's Get StonedPineal Gland Single Eye444
Strange Stories For Your HeadMind447
Electro PersonBody Electric448
Wrestling Match In PinealPineal Gland Single Eye472
Tornados Of The MindMind487
Elvis Has Not Left The BuildingMind502
Mind PowerMind513
Cross Of The MindMind547
A New You Part 1Mind550
A New You Part 2Mind551
Let's Go To WarMind574
Third Floor Temple BrainBrain582
Biblical Temple Is The BrainBrain584
Groin to The SkullBody585
Our Pyramid ChamberBrain587
Computer Ram In The BrainBrain588
Words, Bible, And BrainsBrain590
Praise The Lord With Brain MusicBrain602
Who Is Playing Your Part ?Human Beings605
Garbage Piles UpMind608
Brain And TwelveBrain620
Drugs In The Bible & In The BrainBrain621
The City Is OpenMind622
Mind Change And OMMind627
Pegasus In The Human BodyBody630
Voices In A Wet HeadMind645
Strange Voices In Our HeadMind648
Psychedelic Pineal GlandPineal Gland Single Eye657
DNA: Cosmic Instinct DNADNA701
Your Success Door Is LockedMind718
Universe Brain ConnectionBrain725
Rebuilding Our Temple BrainBrain726
Pineal: Enter QuasarPineal Gland Single Eye735
Collective MindMind738
What Is Reality ?Mind759
DNA: Bionic GeneDNA762
Light Me UpMind773
Who Are You ?Mind799
Who Are We ReallyHuman Beings808
Dark MotherMind812
All About You And MeHuman Beings814
Brain: Pegasus, Muses, And Your BrainBrain836
Strange Stories For Your MindMind839
Upstairs In The Back RoomBrain866
Stoke The Brain FurnaceMind885
Light From The DesertEast49
Tao Of The OrientEastern196
Secrets Of The NileEgypt282
The CopticsCoptics747
Lao Tzu: Quit MeddlingLao Tzu758
Bible ContradictionsBible107
Numerology And The BibleBible146
Bible Myths And SymbolsBible148
Biblical SymbolsBible148
Bill's Bible HitsBible227
Who Wrote This StuffBible296
Bible: The Word Of Who ?Bible401
UFO's In The BibleBible403
Bible Is All About The MindBible425
Bible Is Not A Literal BookBible514
Is The Bible Logical?Bible606
Whose Fooling WhoBible607
Misunderstood BibleBible625
What The Bible Stories Really MeanBible649
Bible And The BodyBible662
Bible And Common SenseBible722
Bible Word MeaningsBible781
Bible: Should You Bother With It ?Bible787
A Matter Of LogicBible827
Bible Is Greek To MeBible843
Zoroaster Found Jesus StarZoroaster251
Ahura MazdaAhura Mazda268
Who Is Ahura Mazda?Zoroaster289
Zoroaster Created ChristianityZoroaster443
Don't Take My Shadow AwayZoroaster505
Campbell: Society Is DeadJoseph Campbell139
Bhagwan RajneeshBhagwan Rajneesh252
Blavatsky: In The Parlor Of Madam BlavatskyHelena Blavatsky297
Jung: God: Mother God, Father EarthCarl Jung461
Jung: Religion Breaks The SpiritCarl Jung511
Goldsmith : Sharing the Great Secret of Joel GoldsmithJoel Goldsmith529
Jung: GnosticsCarl Jung609
Monster Eats His ChildrenMythology141
Jesus Twin MithraMythology299
Hey ZeusMythology317
Plato: What Is Truth?   Ask PlatoMythology414
Religion Takes Mythology LiterallyMythology426
Big Fin   Half Man  Half FIshMythology477
Gods Of MythologyMythology506
Key And The FirebirdMythology527
Plato: Chained To A Dark WallMythology546
Narcissus And EchoMythology570
Charons Boat Has LeftMythology632
Alice In MushroomlandMythology646
Is God A Guy Named FredMythology676
Many Crucified SaviorsMythology764
Elusian MysteryMythology797
Pegasus To ApolloMythology872
Harmony of  ApolloMythology874
Look Its The FourthUniverse179
Sun ReturnsUniverse265
Earth SignsUniverse432
Holographic UniverseUniverse500
Look Up ThereUniverse523
Turn Turn Turn, The Cosmic WheelUniverse552
Light, Pluto, And The BrainUniverse567
Orion: Angel Of OrionUniverse591
Eta Carina: All  Eyes On Eta CarinaUniverse601
4555: Your Home  4555Universe610
Pegasus The DiscoveryUniverse623
Star SignUniverse624
Planet 9 The CrownUniverse628
Celestial HarmonyUniverse629
Supernova: Human Life From SupernovaUniverse659
Center Mind UniverseUniverse660
Supernova And The SickleUniverse682
Supernova: Cosmic Super Sickle And Much MoreUniverse710
Eta Carina: Death Of Eta CarinaUniverse767
Pluto And Green LightUniverse794
Vortex EverywhereUniverse795
Supernova In Your HeadUniverse826
Supernova: Superstar DiesUniverse829
Supernova: Jesus Christ  SupernovaUniverse880
Seance The Woman In WhiteDeath190
Life After DeathDeath369
Death, Life, And LightDeath382
Talking With The Dead Part 1Death492
Talking With The Dead Part 2Death493
Many Dead Bodies, No Dead PeopleDeath509
Communicating With The DeadDeath675
At Deaths DoorDeath679
Looking BeyondDeath720
Death And TransfigurationDeath778
What Happens At DeathDeath809
Death: Contact with the other sideDeath893
Dying And Sleeping Are The SameDeath894
Gay LifeGays412
Gays, God, And The BibleGays Homosexuals576
Gay Marriage   King James & JesusGays Homosexuals661
Reincarnation & Santa ClausReincarnation212
Radical ReincarnationReincarnation217
Childrens Past LivesReincarnation573
Preparation For ReincarnationReincarnation776
Reincarnation And ScienceReincarnation859
Allah Part 1Islam222
Allah Part 2Islam249
Understanding AllahIslam783
Understanding Symbolic LanguageSymbols201
Circle And SymbolsSymbols225
Triangle MysterySymbols240
Number SevenSymbols247
Word Origins: Israel And PinealSymbols543
Crop FormationsSymbols560
Delta Above And BelowSymbols594
Winding StairsSymbols633
Green ThingSymbols791
Green LightSymbols802
Adam Atom, Angle AngelSymbols833
Understanding Ancient SymbolsSymbols834
Nine SistersNumber838
Behind The Green DoorGreen858
The Unknown Easter TaleTradition69
Evolution Is It Right Or WrongTradition231
Easter & The Seven StairsTradition239
Faith vs LogicTradition244
Cosmic Christmas The World MissedTradition264
Easter Sex, Bunnies Bonnets And BiblesTradition544
Christmas Within YouTradition597
Easter vs PassoverTradition664
Round And Round We GoTradition813
Hail Saint DevilDevil  Satan315
Creation Of The DevilDevil  Satan316
Devils, Demons, DummiesDevil  Satan367
The Devil Made Me Do ItDevil  Satan476
Demigods And DemonsDevil  Satan545
Is The Old Testament God, Satan  Part 1Devil  Satan855
Is The Old Testament God, Satan Part 2Devil  Satan856
Satan And The MindSatan882
Alien Dolphin SpeaksAlien389
UFO's And ReligionAliens635
Aliens And ReligionAliens712
Contacting ETAliens744
ET Is RealAliens777
Come To The Garden In YouMeditation430
Sound Of MusicMusic Meditation440
Meditation And Watchers Of  LightMeditation651
Touch ThemMeditation667
Biblical Sex  Sex469
Strange Biblical SexSex473
Cosmic Sex Part 1Sex495
Cosmic Sex Part 2Sex496
What Is Love ?Love406
Word GamesWords481
Law Of LoveLove510
911 Unanswered Prayer On 911 Nine One One603
Angelic PetsAnimals614
Is There Proof ?God740
What About GhostsGhosts796
God Is Not A Nice PersonGod862
Filthy Stay FilthyNot Uploaded as of yet24
Unpredictable UranusNot Uploaded as of yet25
Jesus vs The ReligiousNot Uploaded as of yet26
Tithing: Hang On To Your WalletNot Uploaded as of yet27
Uranus In AriesNot Uploaded as of yet30
All About KrishnaNot Uploaded as of yet31
Let's Talk About KrishnaNot Uploaded as of yet31
Uranus in CapricornNot Uploaded as of yet31
Easter You Have Not Heard AboutNot Uploaded as of yet32
Uranus in PiscesNot Uploaded as of yet33
What Has Revelation RevealedNot Uploaded as of yet33
Zoroaster And UsNot Uploaded as of yet33
Cosmic ChristNot Uploaded as of yet35
Jesus Hidden MeaningsNot Uploaded as of yet37
Bhagavad Gita In PositionNot Uploaded as of yet40
May The Force Be With YouNot Uploaded as of yet40
Bhagavad Gita Endeavor Is Never WastedNot Uploaded as of yet41
Proving God  In ScienceNot Uploaded as of yet41
Matt24 No Doom or GloomNot Uploaded as of yet42
Buddha The BeginningNot Uploaded as of yet43
Gods Chosen PeopleNot Uploaded as of yet44
Matt 24 FamineNot Uploaded as of yet44
Matt 24 This Must HappenNot Uploaded as of yet45
Bhagavad Gita Spirit Kills NotNot Uploaded as of yet46
Bhagavad Gita The Tortoise WithdrawsNot Uploaded as of yet47
Jesus Left ReligionNot Uploaded as of yet47
Stars fell from heavenNot Uploaded as of yet48
Bhagavad Gita Rise Above Them AllNot Uploaded as of yet48
Rise Above It AllNot Uploaded as of yet48
Sign Of The Son of ManNot Uploaded as of yet51
Bhagavad Gita  WarNot Uploaded as of yet52
Buddha The Ten WorldsNot Uploaded as of yet52
Jesus The EsseneNot Uploaded as of yet53
Joan and Joni AstrologyNot Uploaded as of yet54
Jesus On ReincarnationNot Uploaded as of yet55
Bhagavad Gita Food Is The Product Of RainNot Uploaded as of yet56
This Must Happen Before The EndNot Uploaded as of yet56
Bhagavad Gita What Are QualitiesNot Uploaded as of yet58
Joan and Joni Astrology Part 4Not Uploaded as of yet60
Bhagavad Gita  At Last It Was ForgottenNot Uploaded as of yet62
Buddha AngerNot Uploaded as of yet62
At last it was forgottenNot Uploaded as of yet62
Nature Of The SoulNot Uploaded as of yet62
Bhagavad Gita Born Again BluesNot Uploaded as of yet63
Faithful ServantNot Uploaded as of yet63
Joan and Joni AstrologyNot Uploaded as of yet63
Bhagavad Gita Action and InactionNot Uploaded as of yet64
Science and SpiritNot Uploaded as of yet64
Bhagavad Gita Expect NothingNot Uploaded as of yet66
Ten VirginsNot Uploaded as of yet66
Eternal AltarNot Uploaded as of yet67
Bhagavad Gita Consumed By FireNot Uploaded as of yet69
Matt Double Or NothingNot Uploaded as of yet69
Bhagavad Gita Action to RealizationNot Uploaded as of yet70
Jung: The Wars Inside Of Our MindsNot Uploaded as of yet70
Buddha LearningNot Uploaded as of yet71
New Age vs Old AgeNot Uploaded as of yet71
The ShadowNot Uploaded as of yet71
Bhagavad Gita The Ferry Boat Of WisdomNot Uploaded as of yet72
Sun Comes In GloryNot Uploaded as of yet72
Weeds Of The MindNot Uploaded as of yet72
Buddha BodisattvaNot Uploaded as of yet73
Jung The Meaning Of DreamsNot Uploaded as of yet73
Behind The WordsNot Uploaded as of yet75
Buddha BuddhahoodNot Uploaded as of yet75
Bhagavad Gits: Two As OneNot Uploaded as of yet76
Two As OneNot Uploaded as of yet76
Revelation I Will Kill Her ChildrenNot Uploaded as of yet77
Understanding YourselfNot Uploaded as of yet77
Ascension of The BuddhaNot Uploaded as of yet78
He Comes In CloudsNot Uploaded as of yet79
Buddha Three PoisonsNot Uploaded as of yet81
Poor Bird Has DiedNot Uploaded as of yet81
Bhagavad Gita God Will Not Take The BlameNot Uploaded as of yet82
Seven Chakras And OMNot Uploaded as of yet82
Scorpio and 30 DegreesNot Uploaded as of yet83
Shadow Is Your NeighborNot Uploaded as of yet83
Our Mother The EarthNot Uploaded as of yet85
The Genie In Your MindNot Uploaded as of yet85
Buddha  E=MC2Not Uploaded as of yet86
Cayce Subliminal SuggestionsNot Uploaded as of yet86
ZodiacNot Uploaded as of yet89
Jung Religion vs TruthNot Uploaded as of yet91
Buddha Three TruthsNot Uploaded as of yet95
Bhagavad Gita Its MeNot Uploaded as of yet96
Jesus The SunNot Uploaded as of yet100
Study Him Follow ThemNot Uploaded as of yet100
Holy GhostNot Uploaded as of yet101
Mythical One Dollar BillNot Uploaded as of yet102
Two Witnesses Do Not UnderstandNot Uploaded as of yet104
Seven ChurchesNot Uploaded as of yet105
Turn Your Radio OnNot Uploaded as of yet106
Buddha Your EnvironmentNot Uploaded as of yet110
Cross CrucifixionNot Uploaded as of yet110
Revelation A Door Opens In YouNot Uploaded as of yet110
Christmas birthNot Uploaded as of yet111
Coiled SerpentNot Uploaded as of yet114
Talk about BuddhaNot Uploaded as of yet122
Brain Bible  and UniverseNot Uploaded as of yet140
Universe, Brain, MeditationNot Uploaded as of yet140
Hail Saint DevilNot Uploaded as of yet147
Bhagwan WarBhagwan Rajneesh149
Buddha Bottom of the 9thNot Uploaded as of yet154
No Place Like HomeNot Uploaded as of yet157
I Love MeNot Uploaded as of yet162
Buddha NamNot Uploaded as of yet171
Parents: Start Of TroubleNot Uploaded as of yet172
Campbell Joseph, Heartbeat Universe BeatNot Uploaded as of yet175
Heartbeat UniversebeatNot Uploaded as of yet175
Prophet Of IslamNot Uploaded as of yet178
Who Is The Holy OneNot Uploaded as of yet179
Where Did He GoNot Uploaded as of yet180
God Religion and UFO'sNot Uploaded as of yet185
Know YourselfNot Uploaded as of yet190
Mind and MysteryNot Uploaded as of yet206
Jacobs DeceitNot Uploaded as of yet207
MosesNot Uploaded as of yet208
Exodus The Way OutNot Uploaded as of yet216
What Is Christmas?Not Uploaded as of yet223
Matthews Greatest HitsNot Uploaded as of yet227
Tithing Spiritual ExtortionNot Uploaded as of yet227
Joseph Reveals HimselfNot Uploaded as of yet243
Count  The CostNot Uploaded as of yet244
Joseph First Four SignsNot Uploaded as of yet245
Joseph The End Of The StoryNot Uploaded as of yet248
Bhagwan  Law Of LoveNot Uploaded as of yet255
Fire On The MountainNot Uploaded as of yet256
Christmas TraditionsNot Uploaded as of yet262
Ram Head Sun GodNot Uploaded as of yet268
Open EyeNot Uploaded as of yet269
Fourth PlanetNot Uploaded as of yet273
PurposeNot Uploaded as of yet277
Planet Finders BootesNot Uploaded as of yet278
Planet 6 Chained WomanNot Uploaded as of yet279
Red Planet MarsNot Uploaded as of yet280
Red Planet Mars 2Not Uploaded as of yet281
Man on The BenchNot Uploaded as of yet282
Planet  8 The SwanNot Uploaded as of yet285
Deep In The EarthNot Uploaded as of yet301
Dead PrincessNot Uploaded as of yet306
One Step BeyondNot Uploaded as of yet308
Laser AngelNot Uploaded as of yet314
Zeus Apollo Promise From NovaNot Uploaded as of yet316
Number NovaNot Uploaded as of yet318
Mind and ElysiumNot Uploaded as of yet328
Genesis to QuantumNot Uploaded as of yet333
Muhammeds AllahNot Uploaded as of yet334
Green PartyNot Uploaded as of yet344
Seventh Ship is InNot Uploaded as of yet348
Science and ShamansNot Uploaded as of yet349
Watching for ETNot Uploaded as of yet351
Genetic SeaNot Uploaded as of yet352
Cosmic  Zip CodeNot Uploaded as of yet353
Galactic EmbraceNot Uploaded as of yet355
Who Opens The BookNot Uploaded as of yet356
Lion and BookNot Uploaded as of yet357
One Hundred Forty Four ThousandNot Uploaded as of yet358
Key Fits The LockNot Uploaded as of yet360
Look Theres An AngelNot Uploaded as of yet361
Do You Believe In GodNot Uploaded as of yet362
Money ChangersNot Uploaded as of yet362
Is Eta Carina GodNot Uploaded as of yet364
Osiris EyeNot Uploaded as of yet364
Cosmic ComputerNot Uploaded as of yet365
Truth SeekersNot Uploaded as of yet365
Light at the gateNot Uploaded as of yet366
The ShakingNot Uploaded as of yet466
Uranus The ShakingNot Uploaded as of yet468
Cosmic OMNot Uploaded as of yet472
When The Stars FallNot Uploaded as of yet526
Questions And AnswersNot Uploaded as of yet538
Synchronous Terror and the Single EyeNot Uploaded as of yet544
ReincarnationNot Uploaded as of yet609
The Bible,  Whose Word?Not Uploaded as of yet622
The WordWas Made What?Not Uploaded as of yet653
Emerald Tablets Pyramid of 8Not Uploaded as of yet694
Emerald Tablets Death & Transfiguration Not Uploaded as of yet699
Photon GodNot Uploaded as of yet720


  1. I'm interested in finding two videos that you have not uploaded yet from the Bhagavad Gita: Conquer Your Enemies, and Two as One. I'm a long time follower of Bill (thank you for this site) and I wonder if you could make them available?

    1. Thank you Jayne, You will have to contact Bill directly as I have only copied a list of links from his website and made it easier to navigate. and YOUR WELCOME!

    2. Thank you, Tim. It was fun finding this comment again. I'm still following him!

    3. Thank you. And especially thank you for laying out the list so beautifully!

  2. I don’t understand why this great work isn’t mainstream. Thank you Bill I am eternally great full. Garth

    1. We are also grateful for Bill's body of work. Neville says that during the "sleep of Adam" man must go through the "darkness" and only when his journey has come to the end, what he calls, "The fullness of time" does any of these ideas have any appeal. But when the "thirst" is upon you, your eyes will be opened and you will be "see". The mainstream can not see it... YET!

  3. This is great. Is there a way to download these vids or pay for them so people can have them 20 years from now. Information is disappearing fast on the web.

    1. Here is a free website tool to download these videos download and share these as much as possible!

  4. You may want to contact Bill D's website and ask him... I agree that these are important, If you want to download from youtube, this link is the easiest way, Good luck and remember... you must keep a high mood if you are to walk with the highest!
