The truth of the following statement will probably not make us many friends in the New-Age/Spirituality movement... but it is the truth and we would rather be friends with the truth
“This entire game breaks down into its simplest component of sound and the creation of realities we experience and has been encased in the sigils and symbols of letters and words. This is the very basis of Phoenician law and the sonics and phonics intertwining where we have been blinded by the creations of visual light. In this realm of light, we are living in the past and at effect to all things visual which are the effects of sound where light, as a vibration, is merely a higher vibration of frequencies that began with sound or, more accurately, thought. If you want to hear the sound of creation all one must do is sit still, close your eyes and, in your mind only, say the word “rabbit”. Did you hear it? That, to me, is the root/route of pure creation and why our thoughts had to be carefully trained to be manipulated.