Friday, April 7, 2023

Judas... The Revealer of Christ


Good Friday

Neville Goddard

(Circa 1954 - Edited by Jan McKee)

You know the story of Good Friday. A man is in a garden. It's night time. And one called Judas comes in search of him, seemingly to betray him. He comes into the garden, and it's dark, so he asks the simple question, "Where is Jesus?" Then the voice in the dark answered, "I AM HE." We are told in the story they all fell to the ground. When they regained their composure they asked the same question, "Where is Jesus?" Again the voice answered, "I have told you that I AM HE." This time Judas kisses him and the voice said to him, "Now that you have found me, let all else go, but do not let Me go, and what you have to do, do quickly." Then Judas goes out and commits suicide.

Now when you read the story you might think that that drama took place in a garden. No. That drama must TAKE place in the mind of man. For this is all about re-birth. I t takes a man, a normal man, a man of sense, but hidden in that man and bound hand and foot is the second man that rebirth loosens and lifts up, and that second man is God. So the mystery is all self, and he uses the word "mystery" no less than 18 times. He asked those in the Corinthians to esteem him as a steward of mystery. Then he said, "Great is the mystery, God was manifest in the flesh." Then he spoke of the greatest of all mysteries, the one hidden from the foundation of the world, "Christ in you is the hope of glory." Christ IN man. Not Christ in the pages of history, but God IN man must be awakened, and this is the technique by which he is awakened.

Now come closely with me and let me take you into the garden of your own mind. Right now just imagine you are in a sick room of some wonderful hospital, a ward. You see the case history. You heard the verdict of the doctor, and the man, seemingly, is dying. What would save that man from such a verdict? What would save him? A state of health by which he would rise from that bed and become a normal, healthy person in this world; that would save him. Now, look into your mind's eye and define carefully the solution of a particular problem. When you define the solution to the problem, do you know what you are actually seeing? You are seeing Jesus, for Jesus means "to save." So the state that would save that man from what he is, is the state of health. That is his savior.
The story is, "Now that you have found ME, let all else go, but do not let ME go." In other words, let go of everything you have ever believed, but do not let go of this concept -- that the man is well in spite of the evidence of your senses to the contrary. No matter what reason dictates, you hold onto Jesus, Jesus being that the man is healthy. You hold onto it, and you touch it by becoming intensely aware of it; that's the only way to touch a thing.

Let me tell you of something that happened only last Friday. I have a friend in this City

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Desolation of Abomination...

 The epitome of Desolation is at the hand of an Abandoned Imagination and displayed in the hiddious and vulgar expression of the "Left-brained", logical, linear, reasoning mind that can use these faculties to justify all of its Abominations. Intelligence is its tool, and Artificial Intelligence is its dystopian, tyrannical expression of its absolute. AI is the abandonment of the Imagination and the abandonment of your very spirit... the spirit of God. BEWARE the bareness of a busy life. In this video, we heard this phrase, "The Desolation of Abomination", for the first time. It really made us stop in our tracks.


Here is another great and entertaining presentation by Bill Donahue (Click) on this subject. Now, realize that Abomination is also a symptom of the Desolation of the Imagination... an abandoned and neglected "right-brain", so it is that you can read it either way: "The Desolation of Abomination" or "The Abomination of Desolation". Either way makes a powerful statement. Think about it!