by Tim Che'
Over the years, we have been invited to join many different kinds of
'Intentional Communities’
and have even played with the
idea of starting our own. It sounds terrific on the surface... living, working and growing with 'like-minded' people, sharing love and life!
We were really considering one choice in
particular, because we really liked the people involved. When we got serious with them and sat down... our excitement dissipated as they brought out the contracts and rules and expectations and abdication of authority to the group. To
us, it still seemed that something was "OFF" a bit. Definitely a step in the right direction from what we have in modern culture and certainly a much lovelier version of what exists
basically everywhere, which is nice...
but is it Really better?
It was not our idea of what a 'new' kind of community living
would be like. Of course, we really do not have an idea of what the new model
is because if we could recognize it, it would not really be new, would it?
We do feel that the new would come together organically and naturally,
It would be an Un-Intentional Community
It would also come out of the state-of-consciousness of
'allowance' and the powerful assurance
of each individuals ability to be its own source of love, appreciation, health,
finances, security etc.
In such a group of people, who fully realize that they, alone, are the true cause of the
phenomena of their life, there would be no need for all those aforementioned control systems.
phenomena of their life, there would be no need for all those aforementioned control systems.

The result of spiritual adults attracting and congealing the goodness and harmony that they, themselves, have achieved.
This would be a community unlike any in existence, with no reference points to model that we have ever heard of.
The participants would understand all relationship as self-revelation (ref. http://lifestyleluminaries.blogspot.com/p/we.html)
So, perhaps it is
time to put our Imaginations creative powers to the test and search our consciousness for the
feeling... to capture the mood of such a deeply inspired aspect of the
all-that-exists in the eternal realms.
After all,
"He who does not imagine finer and better lineaments
than that which he already knows, does not really imagine at all" (William
It seems that wherever you are and whoever your with, IS
your community. So...
"Love the One Your With"
You will have to Love yourself first, of course. And if you
don't, you will likely embrace a community, of some kind or other, which is the
outcome of others seeking safety, security, affection, adoration, connection
and all the things you don't need if you truly Love yourself.
The "Family" is another type of
"community" that, in it's contemporary expression, is a catastrophic idea. Now, please understand that the writer grew up in an
unusually 'ideal' "family" situation, but over the years has seen
that most "Families" are VERY dis-functional. Full of drama created
by immature souls and sound asleep from education, media, science,
entertainment, religion, politics and sports etc...
It is sad to see people attached to getting their needs met from external forces like the modern family. "Family", in today's
world, typically does not create independent individuals who are self full-filled and spiritually mature.
On the contrary, it seems to breed identity-dependent,
emotionally-needy, narcissists, lost in a world of materialism. You may be
attached to the idea of "MY family", but you may be unaware of the
violence in that notion.
After all, I may
love "My child"... but what about the child 'over there'? across the
street? or across the battlefield? Can you say
"The Hatfield's & McCoy's"?

Is that the best we can do?
In todays world, "Family" seems to identify and separate individuals and does not grow them up into awake, loving, self-fulfilled people. Perhaps it's value may be in providing the contrast that is necessary for that spiritual growth. I am generalizing all this, of course, to make a point and ask a question...
Is there a model of "Family" or
"Community" that can get us closer to a model that would, by default, raise human beings into spiritually mature and completely empowered adults?
There is a fantastic book called "Mutant Message Down
Under" that is definitely required reading to
understand alternatives to modern views... read it and think about it. It is not just about the notion of families. It's about a completely different definition about what it is to be a human 'being' in the world.
understand alternatives to modern views... read it and think about it. It is not just about the notion of families. It's about a completely different definition about what it is to be a human 'being' in the world.
Another great source for alternative ideas is the
9 books that will radically change your views on just about
everything in the world! Both of these books are controversial mainly because they shake the foundations of EVERY religion, science, philosophy and cultural norm, but also because they are presented as factual accounts. You could say the same thing about the bible.
Fiction or not, what can we learn?
Fiction or not, what can we learn?
Now... here, Krishnamurti responds to a questioner who is
clearly on a different level of consciousness and does his best to invite him
to a higher level of understanding than the question implies...

Krishnamurti: Sir brilliance and subtlety should always be
kept under cover, because too much exposure of brilliance only blinds. It is
not my intention to blind or show cleverness, that is too stupid; but when one
sees things very clearly, one cannot help setting them out very clearly. This
you may think brilliant and subtle.
To me, what I am saying is not brilliant:
it is the obvious. That is one fact. The other is, you want me to found an
ashram or a community. Now, why? Why do you want me to found a community? You
say that it will act as a reference, that is, something which can be pointed
out as a successful experiment. That is what a reference implies, does it not?
- a community where all these things are being carried out. That is what you
want. I do not want to found an ashram or a community, but you want it. Now,
why do you want such a community? I will tell you why. It is very interesting,
is it not? You want it because you would like to join with others and create a
community, but you do not want to start a community with yourself;
you want somebody else to do it for you,
and when it is done
you will join it. In other words, Sir, you are afraid of starting on your own,
therefore you want a reference. That is, you want something which will give you
authority of a kind that can be carried out. In other words, you yourself are
not confident, and therefore you say, `Found a community and I will join it'.
Sir, where you are you can found a community, but you can found that community
only when you have confidence. The trouble is that you have no confidence. Why
are you not confident? What do I mean by confidence? The man who wants to
achieve a result, who gets what he wants, is full of confidence the business
man, the lawyer, the policeman, the general, are all full of confidence. Now,
here you have no confidence. Why? For the simple reason you have not
experimented. The moment you experiment with this, you will have confidence.
Nobody else can give
you confidence;
no book, no teacher can give you confidence. Encouragement
is not confidence; encouragement is merely superficial, childish, immature.
Confidence comes as you experiment; and when you experiment with nationalism,
wit even the smallest thing, then as you experiment you will have confidence,
because your mind will be swift, pliable; and then where you are there will be
an ashram, you yourself will found the community. That is clear, is it not? You
are more important than any community. If you join a community, you will be as
you are - you will have somebody to boss you, you will have laws, regulations
and discipline, you will be another Mr. Smith or Mr. Rao in that beastly
community. You want a community only when you want to be directed, to be told
what to do. A man who wants to be directed is aware of his lack of confidence
in himself. You can have confidence, not by talking about self-confidence, but
only when you experiment, when you try.
Sir, the reference is
so, experiment,
wherever you are, a whatever level of thought. You are the only reference, not
the community; and when the community becomes the reference, you are lost. I
hope there will be lots of people joining together and experimenting, having
full confidence and therefore coming together; but for you to sit outside and
say, `Why don't you form a community for me to join?', is obviously a foolish
question. - Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti The Collected Works, Vol. V
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