The Conflict Between the Intellect and the Awakened Imagination.
by Tim Che'

It is a colorful description of the end of the era dominated by the intellectual, sense oriented man... The birth of the Imagination in Man... And the conflict between these 2 great armies.
That conflict is called Armageddon.
In the beginning it is said the Man (Adam) fell... into a profound sleep... and nowhere in the bible does it say he woke up. That awakening is recorded in the New Testament, which is the description of the birth of the Imagination and its expression as allegorical picture-lessons.
In Man's sojourn here on "Earth", he must first enter "The Red Sea" of emotions. This emotional man looks at the world and reacts with emotion. He does not yet realize that his reactions are creations of future events. These are the "Dark Ages" where emotional-man suffers in his ignorance. Until the Intellect begins to develop.
Man then enters "The Land of Egypt"... the Adolescence of consciousness. The intellect that develops out of the emotional Man seeks its foundation in the factually oriented and relates everything to his 5 senses, ie; "I'll believe it if I can see it". Man at this level sees problems as a challenge to the mind, and learns to first understand the problem in order formulate a solution. The problems are seen as external and the mind looks for external causes and external solutions.
Out of the intellect, glimmers of truth begin to crystallize. Causation becomes less clear and confusing. Physicists are well known for the paradoxes and head-scratching conundrums surrounding their theories. They begin to see evidence