Interpretedby Tim Che' from Neville Goddard 1954
I am going to ask a question which you can silently answer
“Have you lived this
life of yours in such a way that you desire to live it again?”
Well, if you haven't, you'd better pay close attention, for
I tell you that;
“Your next life is
this life.”

Let me give you just one simple little vision; Lying on my
bed, suddenly the inner-eye opened, and I saw a man casually dressed in working
clothes walking the sidewalks of a major city. As he came to a hole that was
open to receive coal, in fact the coal had just been delivered, he dropped
something from his hand. He bent down to pick it up but instead of picking up
the thing he dropped, he picked up huge hunks of coal that were scattered
around the hole, and then my vision relaxed. When I re-concentrated the vision
it was on the early part of that scene of the man walking down the sidewalk. He
came to the man-hole, he dropped the item as he had in the previous state. He
bent down and he picked up the coal, instead of the package, as he had done
before. Everything was in detail. As I saw it for the second time, I said
"Now that scene hasn't changed one bit." My attention again relaxed;
when I re-concentrated it, it again was on the early part of the scene.
Now I could prophesy for that man; I knew exactly what he
would do every moment of time right up to that manhole; that he would drop his
package and not pick it up, but pick up the coal. I knew he would look into
that manhole and then change his mind. I knew in detail what that man would do.
You see…
We are walking tracks
and the tracks are forever,
And by the mere curvature of time… your next life is this
life. You simply replay it. So, if you have not lived your life in a way that
you are proud of, you must start now and start laying new tracks in your mind
We have given you a system by which you change it. I say you
are walking tracks because I know that we are standing forever in the presence
of an infinite and eternal energy, and from this energy all things proceed, but
they proceed according to pattern. This energy is moving in a certain pattern
and the arrangement of your mind determines the pattern that it takes. You
actually lay down these tracks within your mind and as this eternal energy
flows over these tracks, you are presented with the
circumstances of your life.The inner conversations of your mind give witness to the kind of tracks that you have laid down which the energy flows over. Pay close attention to your inner conversations. If your inner conversations are centered around ideas of lack, fear or negative emotion… or, if you are focused on things that you do not like or do not want in your world of experience… Then I ask you today to start carrying on conversations within yourself from premises of fulfilled ideals; the man you want to be, or the woman you want to be.
If you have failed so far to embody your desires, begin now
to assume that you are the man or woman you want to be. In your mind, carry on imaginary
conversations with people who respect you, or those you want respect from. Carry
on these conversations from the premises that they see in you the man and the
woman that you want the world to see, just as though it was already true. These
inner conversations are really the breeding ground of future action and will
lay down new tracks. Then the Universal energy, which is always flowing, will
flow over these new tracks and the conditions and the circumstances of life
will change. If you do not lay new tracks, I will prophesy for you… You will
find yourself repeating this life, but you will have no idea that you've done
it all before.
I would like to take you now into the inner vision with me,
and show you this room rising, everything rising in detail, like a three
dimensional curtain ascending. You can see everything is moving up… and yet it seems
to remain the same.
The ascension is
happening every moment of time…
and is so automatic that the sleeping will not notice it. The
whole world is ascending, and as it ascends the world remains the same. It's
almost as though not a thing has happened, and so you can't see it. You can
only see it all ascending when your inner-eye is opened. But most people you see are totally asleep
and unaware that they have been walking the same tracks forever.
Now, the new man is a man of new conversations. The Bible says,
"Put off the former conversations, they belong to the old man that is
corrupt, and put on the new man by a transformation of mind".
“Be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind”
The new man is identified with completely new words. At the
highest level, he speaks only the kind things; he is incapable of any unlovely
thought in the world; he is incapable of even listening to the unlovely for
inwardly he speaks only the kind, only the loving things of the world. Then,
awakens within the new man that was asleep. He awakens the second man,
whose name correlate to the one called, Christ Jesus, in the Bible. That second
man is your own wonderful, loving Imagination. When imagination awakes, it is
incapable of being exercised in any way outside of the loving way. So every
time you use your imagination lovingly, you are literally awakening this inner
man and you're bringing more God into the world of Man. If I think of anyone in
a loving way, I'm in contact with that being and that eternally flowing energy,
flows toward him.
Now, let us exercise our Imagination and create a powerful
Image. Do not see it just as some metaphorical picture; see it as an actual
picture in your mind. Close your physical eyes and Imagine yourself at the very
base of a wonderful waterfall; and Imagine the water is flowing beautifully down
upon you. Then, imagine it's flowing through you as you direct this flow
towards someone or something you think of.
This is how you
awaken your creative power:

Then, imagine that you are watering the trees that you want
to see in your world. Look with your mind's eye and see the leaves appear on
what formerly was a barren plant. See the fruit appear on that tree and taste
it with your mind if you can. You can also water the trees in someone else’s
garden, remembering that his garden is your garden, and as you water it in his
garden, he will begin to embody the very qualities that the tree is now
beginning to bear and radiate.
Simply name the tree and whatever you name it, that it is. You
name it and let the water flow towards it. Imagine it's growing healthily in
that garden and see it put out its leaves and see it put out its fruit. If your
friend is in need of employment, imagine water flowing towards his withered
tree of employment. Wherever he is in the world, he will begin to radiate with
the leaves and the fruits of employment. And in your mind, you will hear the
thrill in his voice as he tells you of his good fortune.
For you see…
We are now in Eden,
but we are asleep.
Mankind, also known as “ADAM” in the Bible, went sound
asleep in Eden where he was only told to dress it and to keep it.
This is an important message to the depth of your soul… Everyone
can do it and everyone should do it, and whenever you water the tree in
anyone's garden at the same time you are watering your own garden in the
eternal garden of God. God is the vine and you are the branches, and every individual
can say the same thing. Individually, you are the central vine and everyone in
your world is a branch in that vine.

Using your Imagination, you can bless everyone in the world.
In doing so, the inner eye opens, the inner ear opens, the inner man of
Imagination awakes and you see the most glorious world. It was always there to
be seen; only we in our sleep had shut it out. We shut the whole wonderful
golden world out by going to sleep and becoming a machine… an automaton.
Please, take me seriously for your next life is this life.
You make this life what you want to make it because if you don't, you will find
yourself walking over the same tracks and you won't even know it. As a sleeping
person you don't know that you are walking the same tracks. If I could only
take you within me and let you see through my inner eye, then you could watch all
these robotic beings in the world. Their eyes appear to be open and they seem
to be awake, but they're really sound asleep for they are repeating the same
thing over and over.
Become conscious now!
As you become conscious you enter the most glorious circle
of awakened humanity. I call it the conscious circle of humanity, or as my old
teacher used to call it, "The Brothers". It simply means the awakened
man and when he awakes they're all glorious beings for they are all the image
of the Divine One.
So do it, and do it today. It is so simple that a child can
do it. Start with the art of revision. At the end of this day, review today. If
you come across some unlovely experience from the day, don't allow it… you
rewrite the scene like a script writer for a play. Take that unlovely scene and
rewrite it in your Imagination. Then, after making it a scene that you would
like, you replay it. In your imagination you imagine the scene to be unfolding as
you would like to have played it the first time. It is important that you play
the scene as if you were playing you and seeing it through your eyes. In your
Imagination, do not look at yourself in the scene; look at the scene FROM your
character. If you allow yourself… you can replay everything in the world.
Remember: the moment is never receding into the past as
people think.
Every moment is advancing.
Now it may sound
crazy to tell you that yesterday is today's future. You think that yesterday is
in the past. However, by the curvature of time, what you think is in the past will
confront you again and you will not know it unless you have awakened. The present
moment is never receding; it is always advancing into the future to confront
us. So, if you don't change it, you will simply find yourself repeating it over
and over again. Fortunately, God's infinite mercy shuts out the memory of it,
so whatever you are doing, you think you're doing it for the first time. But I
ask you to awake! For my purpose is to awaken everyone in the world so that we
may all
Enter the Brotherhood
of Awakened Humanity.
Consider this; we are told there were '2 gifts given to man
at birth'. I am not referring to a physical birth like when I left my mother's
womb. I am referring to when I left the womb of my Father… the mind of God. That
is the grand womb, the womb of creation when, before the world came into being,
I was an idea in the mind of God. That idea was made perfect and was birthed as
perfection. Then, I was sent into this world for a purpose… to be educated. To facilitate this education, he gave me two
gifts; He gave me His own mind and He gave me the gift of speech. These are the
very things he used to create this world. He spoke the world into being and
then gave me the same abilities as a gift.
So, we are given the
gift of mind and speech.
If we learn use the gift wisely, and do it continually, we
will be led into the realization, into the
fulfillment of our every desire. There
is not one desire that is beyond our ability to realize. Then, when our bodies
die and we leave this world into another dimension of our being, we will use
these same two gifts, to bring us into the company of the blessed. If we do not
use it wisely, we will continue in our circle of sleep as the curved line of
time repeats over and over again. If we
use it wisely, we will finish our education and graduate. At graduation, the
circle of recurrence will be broken and we will rise beyond all we thought we
were and enter into eternity. Our return has been arranged since the beginning
of time and our growth and expansion from this schoolroom called “Earth” is
beyond our wildest dreams.
I have no doubt that everyone will eventually awake; but why
not start the awakening process now? You can start it now by practicing the art
of revision. You try it; don't treat it idly. Read over and over again
Then, every day,
never let the sun descend upon your wrath. Do not end your day with any
vexation, or any problem. You can resolve it before you sleep and carry that
resolved picture into sleep and you will find the inner man, your Imagination,
awakening. Try it with your friends and Imagine that you are the grand
waterfall, directing the gifts you have cultivated, and so bring life to any
withered desires among them.
The Bible speaks of a lot of water. The mystic knows it does
not mean water, the liquid. Mystically, water means truth, and when I see
anyone in my mind's eye, in my Imagination, and see him free, I am giving him
the only truth that will set him free. So, water your friend’s garden. Imagine
the water is flowing through you, to his withered tree of health or success,
and see the leaves begin to appear and watch as your friend becomes free… He
becomes healthy, he becomes secure, he becomes loved. Then you will see those
trees are also growing beautifully in your own garden, because as you water
your friend’s garden, you are watering your own. This is how you awaken and as
you practice, your awakened state will begin to stabilize and become permanent.
I urge you to interfere with your time track that you may do
something about it. The passage of time cannot change it. If you wait, thinking
there is going to be some change beyond the grave; I tell you, you will wait in
There is no transforming power beyond the grave.
All transforming power is in man now.
You have the
power right now to interfere with your time-track loop, and you interfere with
it by simply changing one moment in the course of a day with your Imagination. Do
not accept anything that happened as final, no matter how “factual” it seems.
You know you had the experience, but do not accept it as true. Go back to that
moment in your Imagination and rewrite it. Replay that moment as you would like
it to be, and do it over and over in your mind’s-eye until that takes on the tones
of reality. The tones of reality are feelings of relief, satisfaction and
naturalness. As it takes on the tones of reality you have changed your future. Then,
take another incident and change it. Keep on changing all the little episodes,
all the little experiences, and make them conform to your more idealistic
experience and re-live them all in the way that pleases you.
You might be saying to yourself, “Well, that's fooling
yourself” or, “You can’t change the past”, but the past is just the story we tell
ourselves about it when we “re-member” it. When we “Re-Member’ something we are
putting it back together again and the way it is put together changes with
time. When you re-member something, it seems real. It seems “factual”. But have
you noticed that every time you remember something, it changes just a little?
Like the elementary school game, ‘telephone’, where everyone sits in a circle
and you whisper a phrase into the next persons ear, and it goes around the
circle and comes back to you and it is nothing like the phrase you started
with. That is “memory”. And we all believe it is real and true. But, it is just
the story you tell yourself about it. So why not tell a good story? Or a great
one? Just try it. Try it and see if the inner man, the Imagination, will not
awaken and when he awakens you will see a world that is mechanically repeating.
You will see a world that's a machine and everyone in the entire world playing
their parts. They have been playing them forever, and will continue to play
them on the curvature of time until they snap out of it and rise from the dead.
As you are told,
"Awake, you that
sleep and rise from the dead."
We all “went out” from the father to learn from the Prodigal journey(click to read). The Prodigal journey is a state of consciousness called “sleep”. To
the awakened, the state of consciousness called sleep looks like death. When
our prodigal education is finished, we exit from these repeating cycles and
return to hear the decree:
"He that was
lost is found, and he that was dead is alive again".
So this state of lost-ness is likened unto death and the
only purpose now is to rise. Your true purpose is not to amass a fortune, although
you are entitled to it. It is not to become famous, although you are entitled
to it… but simply to awake from the state of sleep. I know of no other way to
awaken a man except to show him how mechanical he is. If you will take and
practice seriously the art of revision, the inner-eye will open and you will
have the experiences of the awakening described by the New
Testament and
testified by my own experience. Then, your abilities will find the inner-eye
peering into a city that may be 2000 miles away and you will see it more
clearly than any experience in your normal life, and you will watch the looping,
time-tracks of men. And watching, you will prophecy for them as they
unknowingly repeat themselves. You will then long for them to awaken so that
they can begin to change the tracks that they walk, and rise into the
brotherhood of awakened humanity.
Take this seriously.
If this seems a bit too mystical for you, get over it. Just try it. It costs
you nothing and you will find, in the trying, a whole new world opening up. I
am giving you the food on which the awakened feed. They feed on new ideas; they
change their values and change all their meanings in the world. In your
awakening, you won't have the same meanings as last year; You won’t have the
same values as last year, because the motives you had last year might have been
along a different set of tracks. Then, all of a sudden, things change and you
can't place value where formerly you placed it. You can't place it on wealth,
you can't place it on names, you can't place it on recognition. All your values
change and then you begin to inwardly see a new and wonderful world.
This place you find yourself in, called the “world”, is the
true garden of which I speak. Don't believe for one moment you are in exile…
This wonderful, visible, objective world of ours is not a
place of exile,
It's the living garment of my father.
And my father is the
original Imaginer… the source of everything in existence. It really is his
living garment but it cannot be seen by those who are sleeping. Individual men
come as they begin to awaken and they will interpret for you this strange
discordant harmony. If you are asleep, and I tell you that everything in your
world is related to the activity in your own mind, you can't see it, and so you
can't quite see that this discord is related to you because you don’t think
that way and are not conscious of it.
If you were conscious of the activity within you,
You would see everything related to yourself, your own
Watch closely the
activity within you. Do not judge it. Just begin noticing it and you will begin
to awaken. Then you will discover this wonderful world has a voice for you that
speaks of things behind the veil of your own mind. For behind your face right
now there is an activity, an activity of your own imagination. And that
activity, could you see it, you would see it projected as the conditions and
circumstances of your life. Not one thing is out of order.
Change the activity
in your mind and you change the world in which you live.
You change that
activity by the changing of your inner speech, for…
Speech mirrors your mind,
And your mind mirrors God.
If you don't
change the speech, then you haven't changed the activity in your mind. And, if
you don't change the activity in your mind, then you can't change the
conditions of your life, for…
Your life is only bearing witness of this inner action of
your mind.
Take a moment now and reflect upon your life, be it ten
years, or be it sixty years. If you can't say
within yourself, "I would
want to live this again if I had the freedom of choice", then you better
start right now changing it, because I make you a prophesy, I make you a
Your next life is
this life.
So if you cannot now in reflection say "I desire to
live it again", then start today to lay down new tracks. If you don't,
you're going to live it again and you will be completely unaware that you have
done it all before. It is so altogether automatic and effortless as you walk
the tracks and you can't stop walking them. You've laid them down and you will
walk them. The curvature of time will bring you back and back and back, forever
and forever until you break the cycle and you begin to awaken. When you awaken
you enter a circle of awakened humanity. And I'll tell you, you will know them
more intimately than anyone you now know in the state of sleep. There is not a
person on earth that you know as intimately as those who have awakened when you
are awake.
When you go into their presence and you mingle with them,
you become one. You do not lose your identity. In fact, you tend ever toward
greater and greater individualization. You never become absorbed and lose your
identity. As you awaken, you awaken to the being that you always were but you
had forgotten it because you went sound asleep on a prodigal journey. There is
a beauty in the inner man that the outer has never touched and never scarred. As
you awaken, they will be there to meet you because they are waiting eagerly for
you to break the circle of recurrence. So you try it.
“Rouse thyself! Why
sleepest thou O Lord? Awake!”
I promise you that I will water your garden but it won't
awaken you. It may help bring lovelier things
into your world and will
certainly make mine more beautiful, but it will not really break the circle for
you. Many are sound asleep enjoying lovely things and the thirst for the truth
is not yet upon them. I am inviting you to awaken by the daily application of
the principle of revision… by daily watching your inner actions and see if they
correspond to the actions you desire to perform in the outer world.
Watch your conversations, both inner and outer, carefully. Are
they from premises of fulfilled desires? If they're not, go back and revise
them in your Imagination and make them actually correspond to the ideal you
want to embody in this world. I know from experience and have no doubt in my
mind that to awaken you must apply your Imagination and you start with
This knowledge I have given you is of no avail unless it's
applied. A little knowledge if carried out in action is more profitable than
much knowledge which you neglect to carry out in action. If you had all the
knowledge in the world and you didn't put it into practice, you wouldn't
awaken. It only has meaning and usefulness when it is applied.
So start this day revising, and watch the circle begin to snap,
watch the eye begin to open. I tell you there isn't a gift on earth, there
isn't a possession in the world that you would want more than the opening of
the eye when the eye opens. That's why I say your values change, the meaning of
life changes, for you wouldn't sell the eye that opens for all the wealth of
the world; you wouldn't exchange it for any recognition in the world now
conferred upon the so-called great. You can see the so-called great all equally
sound asleep, playing their parts, walking curved lines and repeating over and
over again. Then you snap out of it and move into a wonderful world of awakened
humanity and there you see these glorified beings, but really glorified beings,
who preceded you into the conscious circle of awakened humanity.
Beautiful article, and I like the use of the garden analogy... I would really love to get more information of visualizing myself watering my trees in my garden of Eden. Is there a particular lecture where he makes reference to imagining our desires as trees.
ReplyDeleteThere are other references, search the blog but make sure you are on the neville blog, not lifestyle luminaries... they look the same. One of my favorites is when he tells his vision, "I see men as trees walking." and awakened men seen as stags with huge antlers reaching to the sky.