The first instructor that I started working, was a tiny, Vietnamese woman who was like a liquid human, physically, and her story fits well as additional evidence for the following inspirational video. Before she was a Yoga instructor, she was an engineer for manufacturing company. She grew up in Vietnam and was intelligent and driven to succeed.
After years of success in that field, she woke up one day with the doctors telling her she needed both knees replaced. The cartilage was completely deteriorated and according to them, irreparable. Years of poor eating habits and lifestyle had taken their toll on her only 50 year old body. Surgery was the ONLY option according to the doctors.
She knew better and looked for alternatives, then found Yoga. She did Yoga obbsesively and got to the point where she could do 6 Bikram (the hot yoga) in one day! Her knees are completely healed, without surgery or ANY medical intervention. Her doctors dismissed her recovery and just said they must have misdiagnosed it. HA!!!!! I have written more about Yoga click here http://lifestyleluminaries.blogspot.com/p/real-yoga.html
The following video is FANTASTIC. This disabled veteran went from 300 lbs, unable to walk unaded, depressed, given up... to standing on his head!!!!
YOGA is Union
YOGA is Health
DO it!