Here is an appropriate excerpt for Thanksgiving from Neville Goddard's book "The Power of Awareness"
"In all creation, in all eternity, in all the realms of your infinite being,
the most wonderful fact is that
You are the "I am that I am".
You are consciousness.
You are the creator.

This is the mystery, this is the great secret known by the seers, prophets and mystics throughout the ages. This is the truth that you can never know intellectually.
Who is this you? That it is you, John Jones or Mary Smith, is absurd. It is the consciousness which knows that you are John Jones or Mary Smith. It is your greater self, your deeper self, your infinite being. Call it what you will. The important thing is that it is within you, it is you, it is your world. It is this fact that underlies the immutable Law of Assumption. It is upon this fact that your very existence is built.
No... you cannot know this intellectually, you cannot debate it, you cannot substantiate it. You can only feel it. You can only be aware of it.
Becoming aware of it, one great emotion permeates your being. You live with a perpetual feeling of Reverence. The knowledge that your creator is the very self of yourself and never would have made you had he first not loved you must fill your heart with devotion, yes, with adoration. One knowing glimpse of the world around you at any single instant of time is sufficient to fill you with profound awe and a feeling of worship.
It is when your feeling of reverence is most intense that you are closest to God, and when you are closest to God, Your life is richest.
Our deepest feelings are precisely those we are least able to express, and even in the act of adoration, silence is our highest praise."