by Tim Che'

"We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world."
(Allegedly the Buddha)
This quote is generally accepted as a "truth", as it is presented, in the 'New age' movement and it is particularly appealing to the intellectual part of the mind. You know... the part that likes to "think". Most likely this quote was translated by a thinking mind as it made sense to the thinker.
It is interesting to observe that the Buddha, and Buddhist teachings, clearly advocates, and are associated with, the meditative state of "no thinking". Yet, here he is said to claim that thinking is what we are!? And that "ALL that we are arises with our thoughts". And "with our thoughts we make the world".
Hmmmm... so let me get this straight: Thinking creates my world and it is what I am. Basically it’s everything! But, we are to go through extraordinary measures and disciplines, for maybe 20 or more years, to learn to, NOT THINK?
Disclaimer: This writer is in no way claiming to be any kind of expert on the Buddha or Buddhism. The writer is only expressing his own revelation as it has been presented to him. If you are in disagreement with any statements in this article, the writer is agreeable to leave you with them in peace.
I am guessing that the "thinking" minds really love this Buddha translation:
" Look! See how great thinking is!"
But is this quote true and is it what the Buddha really said and meant? There is clearly a conflict with this quote’s interpretation and the teachings, so let us explore it.