"Disclosure" is just the New-Age Christianity. Fear and Salvation in one symbolized idea. In Christianity it is fear of suffering and Jesus coming some day from the clouds to save us. In the New Age, it is the fear of the self-destruction of earth (and subsequent suffering) and the Galactic Federation coming from outer space to save us. Same old story, different characters and stage.
Time to grow ourselves up!"
UFO's, Aliens & Understanding the Architecture of Human Consciousness
by Tim Che'
UFO's and Aliens are the modern icons of the mysterious and the fantastic. I don't know about you, but I have always wanted to see a UFO. It just seemed so out-of-this-world... and a little scary and unnerving. As an adult I still think it would be neat, as I have not seen one yet... Some interesting lights in the sky here and there, but nothing that would suggest a craft powered by beings from another planet. Whether you believe in them or not, its hard not to listen to the incredible stories of people who encounter them. And it begs the question...
As consciousness matures and the Imagination begins to awaken, you will find a new context for how these
phenomena fit within the framework of our shared reality. Have you noticed that people who have experienced alien abductions never have any witnesses? Nobody sees them being abducted or being
returned. This seems kind of scary and mysterious but it becomes clear that these are all psychic phenomena, taking place deep in the psyche of the individual, in another dimension of reality. And as such, they must be part of the collective human psyche because so many people have described very similar experiences and describe similar beings from ancient to modern times. This is a real phenomena, and even though it is not taking place in the physical reality, they are just as important and significant... "As within, so without". Because we live in a "Mind-Created" reality, these phenomena can manifest as "real" to those who are tuned into that mental vibration. They unveil hidden truths that are reflective of consciousness unfolding. Graham Hancock's video down the page will nicely tie together some of these concepts.
It is useful to separate UFO's that may be from another world and those that are terrestrial... or man-made. It is clear that their is man-made technology, that currently exists, that is FAR beyond what the
general population is aware of. The most blatant example was demonstrated by 911 and the disappearance of 3 of the largest buildings in the world. Something turned them into mostly dust... and it was NOT jet fuel. You can watch Dr. Judy Woods explanation at http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/ So it is likely that most craft that are seen are part of that kind of hidden, man-made technology. As for ET craft, I would not totally dismiss the idea, but from the awareness of Imagination and the knowledge that everything on the outside, including Alien's (beings from "another" world), is actually a projection from that which is within, then real or not, we have something to learn.
The entire contents of Human consciousness is expressed through the stories and personifications we see in the physical realm AND in those unseen dimensional realms that the intellectual mind has difficulty knowing. The mind naturally personifies, or gives form to,
irrational or negative emotional states, particularly FEAR, in this discussion. In ages past, man used to personify this fear as elves, fairy's, trolls, vampires, werewolves etc. and people were having "real" experiences of them as they became part of the cultural mystique. These beings are just as real as aliens, but both exist in another dimension of our consciousness which is not readily available to man in normal, everyday life. Mankind's intellectual capacity has been developing out of his emotional being and now science is the new authority for our modern culture. Science explains away all of the aforementioned phenomena as ridiculous and silly, and we have accepted this view as it appeals to our developed logical mind. And because these things must be believed in to manifest, they have all but disappeared from the cultural landscape. All things being eternal, they still exist for the energetically sensitive. But fear is still very much a part of the human psyche and Aliens are now the contemporary trolls and hobbits etc. After all, what could be more scary to intellectual infantiles, such as modern man (not all of course), than beings with gigantic brains, paralyzing psychic powers, long distance space travel technology, that can pop in and out of existence in a instant where locked doors and windows are no defense? But...
...If Aliens are so powerful, why are they always hiding?
I feel this one question alone can unravel the mystery and I will follow up on this thought by telling
...what is REALLY going on?

phenomena fit within the framework of our shared reality. Have you noticed that people who have experienced alien abductions never have any witnesses? Nobody sees them being abducted or being
returned. This seems kind of scary and mysterious but it becomes clear that these are all psychic phenomena, taking place deep in the psyche of the individual, in another dimension of reality. And as such, they must be part of the collective human psyche because so many people have described very similar experiences and describe similar beings from ancient to modern times. This is a real phenomena, and even though it is not taking place in the physical reality, they are just as important and significant... "As within, so without". Because we live in a "Mind-Created" reality, these phenomena can manifest as "real" to those who are tuned into that mental vibration. They unveil hidden truths that are reflective of consciousness unfolding. Graham Hancock's video down the page will nicely tie together some of these concepts.
It is useful to separate UFO's that may be from another world and those that are terrestrial... or man-made. It is clear that their is man-made technology, that currently exists, that is FAR beyond what the
general population is aware of. The most blatant example was demonstrated by 911 and the disappearance of 3 of the largest buildings in the world. Something turned them into mostly dust... and it was NOT jet fuel. You can watch Dr. Judy Woods explanation at http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/ So it is likely that most craft that are seen are part of that kind of hidden, man-made technology. As for ET craft, I would not totally dismiss the idea, but from the awareness of Imagination and the knowledge that everything on the outside, including Alien's (beings from "another" world), is actually a projection from that which is within, then real or not, we have something to learn.
The entire contents of Human consciousness is expressed through the stories and personifications we see in the physical realm AND in those unseen dimensional realms that the intellectual mind has difficulty knowing. The mind naturally personifies, or gives form to,

...If Aliens are so powerful, why are they always hiding?
I feel this one question alone can unravel the mystery and I will follow up on this thought by telling