The truth of the following statement will probably not make us many friends in the New-Age/Spirituality movement... but it is the truth and we would rather be friends with the truth
is not changed by example. Society may reform itself, it may bring
about certain changes through political or economic revolution, but only
the religious man can create a fundamental transformation in society;
and the religious man is not he who practices starvation as an example
to impress society. The religious man is not concerned with society at
all, because society is based on acquisitiveness, envy, greed, ambition,
fear. That is, mere reformation of the pattern of society only alters
the surface, it brings about a more respectable form of ambition.
Whereas, the truly religious man is totally outside of society, because
he is not ambitious, he has no envy, he is not following any ritual,
dogma or belief; and it is only such a man who can fundamentally
transform society, not the reformer. The man who sets out to be an
example merely breeds conflict, strengthens fear, and brings about
various forms of tyranny. It is very strange how we worship examples,
idols. We don't want that which is pure, true in itself; we want
interpreters, examples, masters, gurus, as a medium through which to
attain something - which is all sheer nonsense, and is used to exploit
people. If each one of us could think clearly from the very beginning,
or reeducate ourselves to think clearly, then all these examples,
masters, gurus, systems, would be absolutely unnecessary, which they are
anyhow. - Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti The Collected Works Volume IX