Thursday, July 12, 2018

Was Jesus a Yogini?...

From Bill Donahue:

I find myself quite amazed as I receive e mails from Christians telling me how evil Yoga is. How it will open your mind to demons etc.

And yet it was taught by Jesus Christ.

Jesus said you take away the key when you do not enter within yourself (Luke 11:52) That’s Yoga.

Jesus said if your eye be single your body will fill with light, Matt 6:22) That’s Yoga

Jesus said take no thought for your life (Matt 6:25) That’s Yoga

Christians will tell you that Jesus was saying, don’t worry about not having food or money or clothes or a place to live etc.

No, Jesus was saying take no thought in meditation to protect yourself from loss of these things.

Jesus said the first thing you should do for your life is go within yourself where the kingdom is. Matt 6:33 Luke 17:21 That’s Yoga.

And then Jesus said, take my yoke upon you. Matt 11:29

Look at that word yoke and see how it is attached to
Yoga - Wikipedia
Jump to Etymology - The Sanskrit noun yoga translates to (and is cognate with) English "yoke". It is derived from the root yuj "to attach, join, harness, yoke". ...

So Jesus in saying the kingdom is within you, seek within yourself, touch the single eye, separate from thought was saying take my Yoga upon you.

In other words he was saying come within an and allow me to attach myself to you..

If you can help me with Hidden Meanings I would be grateful

ALSO click on our link to Bill's 900+ videos 

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