by Tim Che'
Clearly, we embark on a journey to understand the true nature of ourselves, our mind, the "external" world and the source of all causation.
We must proceed carefully for we are bound to encounter the resistance of people who are not inclined to such an endeavor, and are not prepared, yet, to accept the ultimate responsibility that comes at the conclusion of such a quest. It is alright. It is part of the design. It is simply a matter of learning how to navigate such a terrain.
And so we step into the world of CONTRACTS.
The word itself makes one begin to recoil and collapse... to contract, if you will, into a state of dis-empowerment and smallness. It seems to be the accepted norm in our culture and yet, you can't deny that "pit in you gut" feeling when you find yourself needing to sign a lengthy one that you do not really understand. Perhaps, those who are trained as attorneys, and understand the "secret" and tricky language of that world, may revel in the ability to outwit their rivals and "get a better deal", or "pull one over" on the lesser intellectual. They are free to use this skill and knowledge to rule as tyrants, or help the ignorant navigate this system of trickery and mistrust. But they are the exception, the minority, and are doing the best that they know how. However, do we need contracts, attorneys and complex language if we TRUST? And, what is it to TRUST?
"Contracts don't work because they're not based on trust" (Prince)

Coincidentally, while writing this article, I saw the interview of Prince (R.I.P.) with Larry King, in which he
made the above statement... a wise person indeed! Most people will quickly dismiss the premise of this statement because they are not interested in discovering what it is to trust, implicitly. If a person is really intelligent and has an education that others do not, it just seems easier for them to get what they want using and placing their trust in the tools of contracts and their intellectual prowess over the lessor intelligent and educated. And who could blame them? But, What kind of world would it be if we could trust ourselves, trust others and trust in workings of this world we find ourselves in? Great question!
The foundation of trust is in the knowledge of "Causation".
And the bedrock of causation is in the direct experience that "Imagination Creates Reality"
If you had the direct experience of actually being the source of Causation in your world, you would