Another take on the theme, "The Maker Being Lost in the Made"
The focus of this post is the quote in the accompanying picture. To be lost in the "Made" is to be lost in what Is-Real, or IsRael. It is an unconscious form of narcissism and a very difficult trap to get out of.
For you see, we have, over time, created the ultimate gate-keeper of the trap... the intellectual faculties of the mind. Which regards truth only in terms of what appears to be real. Not realizing that what it sees in the external world is a result of a cause.
And that cause is the Imagination.
Which created something out of nothing. Something the science-priests of the world have yet to do and they will be unlikely to discover it using the external eyes of logic and reasoning.
The crisis in today's world is a Spiritual one, not a religious one. The battle is raging in you, and is being externalized in the "real" world. (read, The Battle of Armageddon")
So, to see this world as REAL, is to be trapped forever in it with no way out. But what created the world as it is, can create it as you would like it to be. It is the only creative power in the universe and it is the power that sustains it... The Imagination.
So, to see things as "Real" is to deny that all things are possible to God, and God is your Imagination.
And god and you are ONE.