All of this without any formal education!
A book called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe" gives a condensed account of his life and is worthy of your attention.
I was recently toying with the idea of getting Water Russell's book, The Secret of Light, and thought I would ask for it for Christmas. Well, I never got around to asking any "People" for it, but the Universe heard me! As I stumbled upon the book, now in the public domain, and downloaded it from the online library
The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe
In the heart of every man is the desire for love--for happiness, peace and prosperity. In the hearts of nations of men is the One-World desire for international unity. Universal Brotherhood is the ultimate world-goal. How far are we from that goal? The distance is far ahead for the human race. Its distance is
measurable only by the yardstick of LOVE, and love has not yet entered the doorway of human
relations, and will not until unity opens the door for it to come in.
measurable only by the yardstick of LOVE, and love has not yet entered the doorway of human

Unity means Oneness. Unity balances the mate-hood of all pairs of people and equalizes their transactions in giving and regiving. Civilization has not yet progressed to the point where UNITY, through the GIVING and REGIVING of LOVE, can even be comprehended by more than a few of man's millions.
Man's greatest lesson is to learn how to give. We are still in the barbarian age of taking--of
even taking life. The spiritual age is dawning, however. Its doors are slightly ajar, but that is all, for our World-House is erected upon the sands of disunity. The product of disunity is fear. A house divided against itself by disunity and fear must fall. Peace, happiness and prosperity cannot enter a divided house of fear.
If you now ask when peace, happiness and prosperity will come to man, we say to you that it will come when the Light of Love unites all men as ONE, and that shall come to pass only when man ceases to create fear.
The time has come in man's unfolding when he should have more knowledge of the nature of this electric universe of motion. He has never truly known it, for he has but sensed its shadow. The real meaning of substance has never been known by man for what it is. He only knows it for what he senses it to be.
Actually we live in two
universes--the invisible zero universe of CAUSE, and the visible universe of
EFFECT. We have sensed the EFFECT and believed in its reality. We have never
yet known the universe of CAUSE. It is time that we begin to know God's
invisible universe which is in absolute control of the visible universe. Man
will never solve the riddle of the universe until he fully knows and
comprehends the zero universe which he can in no way hear or see. He can know
it, however, and in so knowing he can, likewise, know God. He can
even prove the fact of the omnipresent God in his laboratory. Nor shall man ever solve the riddle of his own Self--his own Identity, until he knows that he, himself, is as eternal as God is eternal. When man knows that he is Mind and that his body is his Mind-Creation, as the whole universal body is the Mind-Creation of God, he will then know what the consummate mystic of two thousand years ago meant when He said: "I and My Father are ONE."
even prove the fact of the omnipresent God in his laboratory. Nor shall man ever solve the riddle of his own Self--his own Identity, until he knows that he, himself, is as eternal as God is eternal. When man knows that he is Mind and that his body is his Mind-Creation, as the whole universal body is the Mind-Creation of God, he will then know what the consummate mystic of two thousand years ago meant when He said: "I and My Father are ONE."
That is man's first great
lesson. For ages he has believed that his body is his Identity, and that
his Mind is in his body but limited to the boundaries of his body. It has never occurred to him that his Mind is IN--but not OF his body. It has not yet occurred to him that his body is but a "tape recording" of what his Mind is "dictating" into it. He has not yet begun to realize that there is but ONE CREATOR in this universe, nor that he is ONE with that ONE. When man's first great lesson has been learned through the awakening of that divine Cosmic spark, which has for so long been dormant in him, he will then have reached his first stage of God-awareness which all men seek, even though long ages pass before any man even suspects that he is seeking the Light of his divine Self.
his Mind is in his body but limited to the boundaries of his body. It has never occurred to him that his Mind is IN--but not OF his body. It has not yet occurred to him that his body is but a "tape recording" of what his Mind is "dictating" into it. He has not yet begun to realize that there is but ONE CREATOR in this universe, nor that he is ONE with that ONE. When man's first great lesson has been learned through the awakening of that divine Cosmic spark, which has for so long been dormant in him, he will then have reached his first stage of God-awareness which all men seek, even though long ages pass before any man even suspects that he is seeking the Light of his divine Self.
When that great lesson is
fully learned he will then know that he lives eternally and cannot die--and
that his body manifests his thinking for awhile, then rests for an interval
before again manifesting his thinking from the point where it rested in his
As a prelude to this very brief
outline of the principles upon which our universe is founded we will reduce
that entire principle to one sentence, from which we will not depart during
this entire narrative. We will but expand this one basic principle by
describing its processes. Herein follows that one sentence:
The Father-Mother of
Creation divides His sexless unity into sex-divided pairs of father and mother
bodies, for the purpose of uniting them to create other pairs of father and
mother bodies in eternal sequences forever. Page 57
This is the whole simple plan of Creation. We will now begin
to unfold the seeming complexities of its really very simple processes which so
mightily deceive our senses. If our comprehension is strong enough we will be
able to continually see a simple thread, which is repeated over and over in
every effect of motion throughout all Nature, and throughout every event and
experience of life. We will endeavor to enable you to see that simple
continuing thread by repeating it many times in many ways.
progress is always marked by change. As civil4ation unfolds--or grows--its
concepts change to keep pace with that growth. Ages of marked wisdom become
archaic to ages of greater wisdom.
The last two or three decades of progress have moved the
world ages ahead of the last century, and the last two or three years have promised
to open new doors into that invisible universe where The Creator awaits man's
recognition and awareness of His omnipresence.
Science is
discovering God's invisible Magnetic Mind universe through little peepholes
into it through a newly dawning Intelligence, but science is not yet aware of
what it is discovering. Science calls it anti-matter as yet. That is
wonderful--and hopeful. To have discovered and believed that there is a something
outside of matter, which is seemingly the source of matter emerging from
it, is so wonderful that it seems like a thousand years of progress in a day.
Matter is motion.
The anti-matter, which now engages the serious attention of science, is stillness.
Some scientists say it is pure energy. If matter, which is but
motion, is energy, and anti-matter, which is not motion, is pure
energy, what kind of energy is that which is impure? What does it mean? The
time has come when it is imperative that science must divorce motion and energy
as one identity, and regard matter as but the product of the Energy Source.
We wish to
demonstrate to you that the anti-matter stillness, which science is
discovering, is the Creator's Energy Source. Yes--there is an invisible zero
universe. It is the Mind-universe
of Magnetic Light. For scientific purposes in explaining the construction of matter, we will name it the omnipresent universal vacuum. The universal vacuum is the expansion end of the universal piston, and gravity is the compression end.
of Magnetic Light. For scientific purposes in explaining the construction of matter, we will name it the omnipresent universal vacuum. The universal vacuum is the expansion end of the universal piston, and gravity is the compression end.
As electricity
is the creator of focal points, which we call gravity, and because compression
is the sole office of electricity, every oscillation of the electric current of
Creation is an interchange between the stillness of the universal vacuum of
God's Mind-universe of CAUSE, and the electric universe of motion, to produce
interchange between the invisible omnipresent universe where motion begins and
ends, and the visible transient universe, which multiplies and divides the
speed and power of motion, is a cycle. Pulsing cycles constitute the heart beat
of this universe, which simulates Mind-Idea through pulsing cycles of two-way
motion. Every pulsation of the life principle of multiplying motion creates
divided electric male and female bodies, which seek rest in each other from the
strains and tensions of their division into pairs of opposites. Page 58
The supreme effort of this book is to have you
comprehend that Creation is a division of The Eternal One into countless twos
of sex-conditioned opposites, which eternally seek to void their division by
uniting as One.
Creation is a
Mind-imagined journey of electrically divided male and female opposites in
increasingly greater speed and power in the direction of each other, where they
unite in rest to re-divide, and return with ever increasing speed and
decreasing power, to the zero of rest in the Magnetic Light of Mind from which
they sprang into action.
Creation is
an illusion which stimulates substance by multiplying the speed of centripetal
motion, and loses its appearance of substance by multiplying its centrifugal
speed. If we prove
this new state of facts to be in accord with Nature's plan, it will obviously
be necessary to have very different concepts of the Nature of the universe than
those concepts which are now held by man.
We herein
print two diagrams to symbolize both ends of the compression-expansion pump,
which this universe is. We cannot move our little finger without gaining the
power to do so from the vacuum Source of that power. We do not know that fact
yet. We do not yet know that we live, and breathe, and express our multiple
desires only by constantly taking power for each cycle from God and giving it
back to Him at each cycle's end. Man has not yet become aware of the fact that
he is but the motion within the divine Cosmic vacuum tube which sparks its
little light from out of its dark, and is, himself, that dark when his light
goes out.
When man is fully aware of the fact that he
eternally lives in God's invisible Magnetic Light as One with it, and merely
manifests life by action in the electric universe, he will then know that when
action ceases it merely ceases without affecting him, even as sound ceases
without affecting him who made the sound.
One of these
drawings symbolizes the Energy end of the Cosmic Piston from which gravity
emerges in moving pairs to simulate energy by motion. The other drawing
symbolizes the effects of motion at the compressed end of the Cosmic Piston.
It is
self-evident that all motion springs from rest and returns to rest for eternal
repetition in
sequences which we call electric frequencies. It is also self-evident that all motion springs from out of the dark in divided pairs and multiplies their gaseous beginnings into dense bodies of incandescent suns, then disappears into the dark through the gases of themselves.
sequences which we call electric frequencies. It is also self-evident that all motion springs from out of the dark in divided pairs and multiplies their gaseous beginnings into dense bodies of incandescent suns, then disappears into the dark through the gases of themselves.
WHAT is this invisible dark from which the light of motion appears, and into
which it disappears? Is not this the supreme question of all the ages? Can
there be any other answer to that question than the fact that Creation emerges
from its Creator?
The greatest
thinkers in science have repeatedly said that matter emerges from space and is swallowed
up by space in some unknown and mysterious manner. The word space is
rather a casual word to use in place of the Creator. Likewise, it is a
misleading word, for space is not an expanse of something outside of matter. It
is as omnipresent within matter as it is without, and it is in control of
matter from within as well as from without. Page 59
Future generations of enlightened men will cease thinking of
this electric universe as being matter and substance. They will know it for
what it is, which is motion only. When the idea of substance has passed out
of our thinking, and simulation of substance by motion will have taken its
place, mankind will then comprehend his Mind-unity with the Universal Mind. And
he will know his body for what it is--merely an instrument for creating
form-images of Mind-thinking.
FIG. 6
symbolizes the uncreated universe, the zero vacuum universe of rest, from which
the objective electric universe of motion emerges to manifest eternal life by
simulating it in cycles of motion. This is God's omnipresent universe of Idea,
and Desire for the expression of Idea, by moving forms which symbolize Idea.
This is the universe of The Imaginer Who builds forms in the image of His imagining
for giving and regiving in cyclic intervals, which unknowing man calls life and
This is the
omniscient universe of eternal MIND-QUALITIES from which transient electric
QUALITIES emerge to simulate the qualities of Mind--Magnetic Light--Knowledge--Idea--Energy--Life--Soul--Love--Truth--Beauty--Rhythm
--Balance--Law--Silence--Rest and Stillness.
This is the
abiding place of eternal MAN who is ONE with GOD. It is God's kingdom of heaven
within man, which the Nazarene bade men to seek.
------------ Page 60
FIG. 7
symbolizes the transient, created quantities of divided pairs of units of
electric motion which emerge from the vacuum zero universe to manifest its
qualities for timed intervals, and are then dissolved into its equilibrium for
reemergence. These seeming quantities are Electricity--Compression--Form--Light
spectrum--Expansion--Sex--Sound--Heat and Motion.
These multiple
quantities seem to exist. They appear and disappear to again reappear, to
simulate the qualities of life, energy and idea which they seem to be, but are
not. This is the "motion-picture" universe of simulation and illusion
which dramatizes the idea of REALITY by electrically projecting the
thought-imaged-forms of Mind--Idea upon the imagined-screen of space, which
Nature is.
There is no
life, energy, knowledge, idea, truth, intelligence or any other quality of Mind
or thought, in the motion which man calls matter and substance, and mistakes
for reality. It is time that man realizes that there is nothing, whatsoever, in
this visible universe but motion, and that REALITY exists only in the vacuum
from which motion emerges as heat to simulate the Light of Reality. Page 61
The Creator is the Supreme principle of Unity in His Oneness
of Being. The supreme urge back of His divided pairs is to seek unity in each
pair. This is as true of the elements of matter, as it is true of living
organic beings. Since all matter is divided into mate-pairs, is it not time
that the Father-Motherhood principle of Oneness in the Creator, be recognized
as the desire to attain that father-motherhood oneness by all of the divided
mate-pairs of all Creation? Every particle of inorganic and organic matter in
the universe is perpetually seeking unity with its balanced mate. There is no
exception to this fact in all Creation. Sodium seeks balanced unity in
chlorine. It does not seek it in aluminum, phosphorous or silicon. Nor do any
of the elements on the red, alkaline side of the spectrum, seek union with each
other, nor do those on the blue, acid side seek union with each other.
If this search
for balanced mates is universal in all bodies of matter, and if the division of
an equilibrium into polarized pairs is the effect which electricity produces,
why do we not recognize the sex principle as the basis of all electrically
divided, and pressure conditioned matter, and discard the old text-book idea of
two kinds of electricity, one which repels and the other which attracts,
as being the basis of matter and motion? See Fig. 8.
The Coulomb
law would be more understandable under this concept, for, naturally, males do
not seek union with males, and two red, or two blue sides of the spectrum do
not make a complete spectrum. Such an inconsistent concept should be no longer
applicable in a progressive world of slowly unfolding intelligence. The Coulomb
law of attraction of opposites and repulsion of likes, has no relation,
whatsoever, to Natural law. Nature does not attract, nor does it repel. Pairs
of opposites in Nature are projected centripetally toward each other by the
light mirrors of wave-field projectors of light images, which must await
further explanation in the very brief description of the geometry of space that
we can include in this book. This basic new science is unknown as yet but we are
preparing to leave full records of it for posterity if--and when--posterity
shall be ready for it. Suffice it for here to say that all mates which are
approaching each other for union are electrically forced to approach each other
from the outside. They are not "attracted" together from the inside.
They cannot help being forced. They are being wound up together electrically in
spiral vortices. They must inevitably collide and become one even as a threaded
screw is forced to interpenetrate an oppositely threaded nut. This simile is a
good one in other ways. It exemplifies the red and blue of the spectrum and the
red and blue of sex division. The red interpenetrates the blue in all elements
up to carbon. Beyond carbon the blue interpenetrates the red. This is also an
unknown basic characteristic of the creative process, for no text book of
science even mentions it.
The Coulomb
law has been fundamental for decades. Those who still desire to cling to it
must deny the Einstein Equation of 1905, for both of these contradictory laws
cannot be true. One or the other mast be wrong.
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