and "who" is the "maker"?
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Our Wish for you:
"That you may Become Love"
To know love you must inquire.
Answers are implied in questions, so ask yourself, "What is Love?"
Answers are implied in questions, so ask yourself, "What is Love?"
Asking yourself this one question, over and over and over again, is the most trans-formative activity that an individual can engage in. Years ago, I became obsessed with this question, in a way that is impossible to put into words.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Food for Thought?
What are YOU feeding your mind?
Let us talk about mental nutrition.
'You are what you eat' with the body.
'You become what you consume' with the mind.It's pretty obvious that this is true for the body. But isn't it interesting that have not applied this rule to the mind? The mind wants to be fed compulsively 'More'.
More information, more drama, more excitement, more violence, more knowledge, more sex, the absolute latest breaking news… as if it would make a difference in the world if we heard about it 2 hours later. This blind and ravenous consumption of media has made our minds heavy, dull and obese... fattening up on the idea that what is going on 'out there' is more important than what is right in front of you 'right now'.
The highly processed and cleverly crafted messages we consume are clogging up the digestive system of the mind, making it nearly impossible to extract what little nutrition is hidden there.
A high-fat diet of: traumatic television, nasty newsprint and pathological periodicals contributes to the 'heart' disease of the mind, keeping us internally in conflict and judgment, thus leading to an emotional cardiac arrest and a heartless world.
Mental nutrition high with the cholesterol of conflict, conspiracy and creative consumerism, hardens up the arteries of freethinking. Mind-foods full of behavioral preservatives subversively sell us everything from chocolate-chip cookies, to national propaganda, to what a human being is supposed to look like and behave like, thus cementing un-asked-for belief systems to an unaware consumer. These are just a few of the external hazards of this kind of mental nutrition.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Truth is a Pathless Land...
The following speech is, in our opinion, one of the greatest delivery of words to man, from man,
that exists in history. Studying the penetrating teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, one comes to the conclusion that problems created by thought cannot be solved by thought. Thought.... thinking... and the abstractions that result can be a perilous field, especially for most of us who do not understand the workings of the mind, the nature of time and the meaning of love.
Most of us are completely identified with our thinking, our beliefs, values etc... We think we are our thoughts. But who is doing all this thinking? Where does a thought come from? Who is the observer? What is the observed? Can we penetrate the superficial meaning of words to find reality? And if we can, What do we find?
The thinking part of the mind does not like these questions much... because it has been happily in control of our lives for a long time and is not really interested in any truth that would reduce it's grip on controlling what we think is real. Such questioning threatens the very existence of the mind-created self and it will do desperate things to protect itself. This desperation is reflected in the conflict and chaos of today's world.
Truth Is A Pathless Land
What follows is the speech made by Jiddu Krishnamurti in 1929 when he dissolved the Order of the Star. The Order of the Star was the organization built
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
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