Sunday, February 13, 2022

Become Love...

To know something spiritually, you must Become it.

To know something intellectually, man uses his mind to break it down into its parts, observe its
relationships and behaviors, collect information, analyse and relate the data to all previous collected data. Thinking is VERY limited because thought is all built upon the past. Thought can have an idea about something, like 'chocolate', for instance... but until you actually taste it, you really do not know what it is like. Thought cannot come upon anything that is new... just different and usually more complex arrangements of what it has already thought about.

Thought can never Know Love... 
it can only think about it.

 So, to know love we must become it, which is the greatest of mankind's endeavors.

Ah yes... and then there is Valentines Day. In contrast to Man's pinnacle of knowledge (knowing Love), Valentines Day seems a bit childish and silly. But we learn we can love the silliness and embrace the childishness when we grow up our spiritual selves and put away the relationships and so-called love, that is based upon self-gratification.

 Here, Krishnamurti explains it well:

"The process of thought ever denies love. It is thought that has emotional complications, not love. Thought is the greatest hindrance to love. Thought creates a division between what is and 'what should be', and on this division morality is based; but neither the moral nor the immoral know love. This moral structure, created by the mind to hold social relationships together, is not love, but a hardening process like that of cement. Thought does not lead to love, thought does not cultivate love, for love cannot be cultivated as a plant in the garden. The very desire to cultivate love is the action of thought. If you are at all aware, you will see what an important part thought plays in your life. Thought obviously has its place, but it is in no way related to love. What is related to thought can be understood by thought, but that which is not related to thought cannot be caught by the mind. You will ask, then what is love? Love is a state of being in which thought is not; but the very definition of love is a process of thought, and so it is not love. We have to understand thought itself, and not try to capture love by thought. The denial of thought does not bring about love. There is freedom from thought only when its deep significance is fully understood; and, for this, profound self-knowledge is essential, not vain and superficial assertions. Meditation and not repetition, awareness and not definition, reveal the ways of thought. Without being aware and experiencing the ways of thought, love cannot be."
 - Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living, Series 1,16,Choiceless Awareness

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