by Tim Che'
If I slapped you in the face, would you conclude that my hand was the cause of your face being hit?
Of course not. You know that something non-physical put the hand in motion. That non-physical something would be Me. I caused your face to be slapped. I appear to be physical, but my physicality is an expression of the Me that cannot be seen… the Me that set the hand in motion.
“…so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Heb 3:11)
So it is that we learn that the physical is an expression of the non-physical. All physical things, not just a few.
This non-physical thing were are referring to is ‘consciousness’
Consciousness is looking at its expression, called the human body, with the intellectual part of the mind and breaking it down into tiny bits called genes in order to understand it. Sounds pretty normal… until we step into the question of “causality”.
It would seem like the ultimate “Which came first, the chicken