by Tim Che'
Before you were aware of being you, you were only aware of being aware. It is called "Un-
conditioned Awareness"

Now, you are AWARE of being you. And you are aware of the things around you, which are extensions of that awareness.
Your AWARENESS, has fallen into division for the purpose of self-definition.
When you say, "I Am_______", you are exploring aspects of Self-definition. It's like trying new clothes to see how they fit.
Cain and Able are personifications of the two distinct functions of your own consciousness. They are names for the two contrary states of the human soul and it is told as the story of 2 brothers. Each represents a distinct outlook on the world, possessed by everyone. The first is the limited perception of the senses, and the second is the imaginative view of the world.
Cain, the first view, the first born, is a passive surrenderer to appearances. and an acceptance of life on the basis of the world without. This view inevitably leads to unsatisfied longing or to contentment with disillusion. It is also referred to, in modern culture, as the Left-Brain. This is the intellectual side of the mind which relies on logic and reasoning, and is endlessly measuring