by Tim Che'

It has been said that the earth is a prison planet and that an invisible grid is in place which serves a dual purpose of keeping us inside and quarantining us from the rest of the universe because we are so dangerous and underdeveloped... that we, as a race have not earned our release and probably never will. Also, allegedly, It keeps us free from outside interference.
You have heard of "The World-Wide Web" which has most of the world entangled in it.
And, perhaps, you have heard that the Illuminati, the elite, have symbolized their plan and their triumph of control with a huge, creepy, spider sculpture in Rockefeller Center, NYC and in London.
I am quite sure that the Illuminati would love to take credit for creating this web of containment and it is certainly within their free will to use it to their advantage... but I postulate another possibility altogether:
"Consciousness is caught in the Web of the intellect...
The finite and restrictive grid of ideas such as latitude and longitude, Logic and reasoning, science and mathematics"
Let's go out on the ledge together... I am writing from the intellect to your intellect. It's really all we have to work with because it is all that we have developed in modern society. The intellect is useful... but is a double-edged sword. It can save man from his emotions, but can also isolate and imprison him in its ideas.
The intellect is externally focused and sense-dependent. It re-arranges the external world and is limited to what already exists because it is built on thought and thought is always old... of the past. Thought is built on language, and it is impossible to have a NEW thought. Your thinking mind may be offended by this realization, but if it does the analysis, it will come to the same conclusion...
Cleverness is not Imagination.
Our modern society cultivates the intellect and suppresses the imagination. When I speak of Imagination, I am not saying that the intellect is not clever... just go to the movies! But that cleverness is limited (as with all thought and thinking) to rearrangements of what already exists. It only looks new and is usually very inventive.