by Tim Che
...and yet it is both Spherical AND Flat. For you see...
Consciousness is rising.
As you rise with it, the world reflects the change.
At one level of consciousness, the world is FLAT.
At another level of consciousness, the world is a SPHERE spinning through the vacuum of empty space.
At the next level of consciousness, the world is ?????????
If I knew the answer to this and told you, it would have very little meaning and you would not be able

to understand it if you were not in the consciousness of the answer. If you were in the consciousness of the answer, it would be obvious what the world is and you would not have the question in the first place.
The current state of consciousness that modern man finds himself in, sees the world as external to, and separate from, himself. It sees the world and everything in it as having existence on its own, independent of Man. Such a consciousness observes the world with a logical, rational mind... "I'll believe it when I see it", and sees only what appears to be causes external to himself. In other words, I see the world outside from the viewpoint of what I define as "myself", and conclude that something outside of that same self "caused" it to exist. Such a state of consciousness would develop its reasoning capacities and see ever-increasing complexity in its ideas and concepts about the world. Mathematics and physics has pushed its ideas to the limits, yet still cannot answer the simple question of "First Cause"
"read: DNA, A Reflection of Human Concsiousness)
The current rise of the FLAT EARTH phenomena is a response from the control systems of authority to the awakening and rising of consciousness. Which begins to realize that "All is not as we have been taught". Consciousness is rising and people are questioning these foundational ideas of reality, religion, science and human nature.
Causing a Disturbance in THE FORCE
The problem is that as you rise in consciousness, you may realize that the "spinning ball" model of Earth has a lot of fundamental flaws... and instead of looking deeper into the question of our reality, you are led to an alternative idea of lower consciousness... that the Earth is FLAT. Any amount of time spent on that idea reveals even more flaws. The questioner is left to his/her own devices.
You must find out for yourself. No one else can do it for you.
We have had a lot of people tell us that it is not important what shape the Earth is and that such inquiry does not affect their lives. Quite the opposite is true. The Earth and YOU are ONE.
What the Earth is YOU are.
What YOU are, the Earth IS.
Nothing could be more important. The debate between FLAT or SPHERE is centered around what the Earth is NOT. The Mental attention and Inquiry must be directed to what the earth actually IS. It is not a concept. It is not an Illusion.
It is a popular notion that reality is just an illusion and that nothing is real. We have heard many people