Monday, December 26, 2022

The Coin of Heaven...

There are 2 aspects of the conscious mind.
  • The part that is thinking, sensing, and interpreting which is dependent on a state of consciousness. 
  • And the Imagination which is has the power to change the state of consciousness. 
When thinking is engaged, the Imagination is idle. You are free to choose what aspect of the mind you engage, but only if you are aware of the difference. You can Invest your mind on lovely things, or spend your thought unwisely on negative things. 

Self-talk is self prophecy 

because the mind, through the Imagination, is a creative device that is always ON

The following transcribed lecture from 1953, we have edited for a more contemporary translation. Neville makes this VERY clear and uses the example of a black man in the '50s who overcame the self-imposed limitation of his race, with astonishing results!

Neville Goddard 1953

I want to share with you today what I consider one of the truly great revelations of all time.

On Sunday morning, April 12th, my wife woke from what was really a deep, profound sleep and as she was waking a voice distinctly spoke to her and speaking with great authority it said to her:

"You must stop spending your thoughts, your time and your money; everything in life must be an investment." 

So she quickly wrote it down and went straight to the dictionary to look up the two important words in the sentence, 'spending' and 'investing'. The dictionary defines 'spending' as "to waste, to squander, to layout without return." To 'invest' is to "layout for a purpose, for which a profit is expected" .

Then I began to analyze the sentence - "You must stop spending your thoughts, your time and your money, for everything in life must be an investment". As I dwelt upon it, I saw where everything is NOW;

That through the portals of the present all time must pass, 

and this psychological NOW, the state of mind in which I find myself now, does not recede into the past. It advances into my future.

So, what I do NOW is the all important thing

and thought is the coin of heaven;

 it is the money of heaven. And so the thought I entertain now, the thought to which I give my consent to, is either my investment, or

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tis the Season!


Neville, 1968

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became

flesh and dwells in us." (John 1) Our physical birth is God's incarnation, for incarnation signifies the
assumption by a divine being of human or animal form. When you were born your little human form was assumed by God. Christmas marks the departure from God's incarnation and your birth as God. 

There are two births: one when God assumes your human form and the other when you assume the divine form as God! The first birth is from below, while the second birth - called Christmas - is from above. Every child born of woman is God incarnate, or the child could not be aware that he is. His consciousness is God's incarnation. The world, not knowing this, celebrates the wrong event; for Christmas is when man becomes conscious of being God. 

Here are a few paradoxes which disturb many people. All of these are actual quotes or interpretations of a quote:

"I shall no longer speak to you in figures, but tell you plainly of the Father."

"I came out from the Father and came into the world. Again I am leaving the world and going to the Father."

"I and my Father are one."

"I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I."

"When you see me, you have seen the Father."

"He who you call God, he is my Father, but I know my Father and you know not your God."

"Show us the Father. If you knew me you would not ask, for no one can know me in the true sense and not know God, for He and I are inseparable." 

Who is the father who is one with his son, yet greater than he? Can he be the son of God, yet God the Father? And how can I ever know that I and my Father are one? Let us try to solve these strange contradictions. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Mind and Motion Universe

Probably the greatest mind of the 20th century, Walter Russell is one of those rare individuals who mastered all the arts; music, painting, sculpture, architecture, swimming, horsmanship and finally... what we call "science" and he refers to his 'cosmogony of the universe'.
All of this without any formal education!

A book called, "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe" gives a condensed account of his life and is worthy of your attention.

I was recently toying with the idea of getting Water Russell's book, The Secret of Light, and thought I would ask for it for Christmas. Well, I never got around to asking any "People" for it, but the Universe heard me! As I stumbled upon the book, now in the public domain, and downloaded it from the online library

The following is an excerpt from Walter Russell's book, Atomic Suicide which we have just recently dug into. The beginning of the book is fantastic and then he gets into lots of evidence details about why nuclear energy will end humankind, possibly forever... but you can skip ahead to chapter 4. Here in chapter 4, he gets into some juicy explanations of The Zero Universe of Cause, which is stillness... and the Universe of Effect, which is motion. You can download the book here  This is some of the most important understandings of the nature of everything that we have come across. You can also support his work by purchasing the books from the foundation charged with keeping the Russell's work alive, or making a donation


The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe

In the heart of every man is the desire for love--for happiness, peace and prosperity. In the hearts of nations of men is the One-World desire for international unity. Universal Brotherhood is the ultimate world-goal. How far are we from that goal? The distance is far ahead for the human race. Its distance is

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Finally... The Earth is Neither Spherical nor Flat

by Tim Che

...and yet it is both Spherical AND Flat. For you see...

Consciousness is rising.

As you rise with it, the world reflects the change.

At one level of consciousness, the world is FLAT.

At another level of consciousness, the world is a SPHERE spinning through the vacuum of empty space.

At the next level of consciousness, the world is ????????? 

If I knew the answer to this and told you, it would have very little meaning and you would not be able
to understand it if you were not in the consciousness of the answer. If you were in the consciousness of the answer, it would be obvious what the world is and you would not have the question in the first place.

The current state of consciousness that modern man finds himself in, sees the world as external to, and separate from, himself. It sees the world and everything in it as having existence on its own, independent of Man. Such a consciousness observes the world with a logical, rational mind... "I'll believe it when I see it", and sees only what appears to be causes external to himself. In other words, I see the world outside from the viewpoint of what I define as "myself", and conclude that something outside of that same self "caused" it to exist. Such a state of consciousness would develop its reasoning capacities and see ever-increasing complexity in its ideas and concepts about the world. Mathematics and physics has pushed its ideas to the limits, yet still cannot answer the simple question of "First Cause" "read: DNA, A Reflection of Human Concsiousness)

The current rise of the FLAT EARTH phenomena is a response from the control systems of authority to the awakening and rising of  consciousness. Which begins to realize that  "All is not as we have been taught".  Consciousness is rising and people are questioning these foundational ideas of reality, religion, science and human nature.

Causing a Disturbance in THE FORCE

The problem is that as you rise in consciousness, you may realize that the "spinning ball" model of Earth has a lot of fundamental flaws... and instead of looking deeper into the question of our reality, you are led to an alternative idea of lower consciousness... that the Earth is FLAT. Any amount of time spent on that idea reveals even more flaws. The questioner is left to his/her own devices.

You must find out for yourself. No one else can do it for you.

We have had a lot of people tell us that it is not important what shape the Earth is and that such inquiry does not affect their lives. Quite the opposite is true. The Earth and YOU are ONE.

What the Earth is YOU are. 
What YOU are, the Earth IS.

Nothing could be more important. The debate between FLAT or SPHERE is centered around what the Earth is NOT. The Mental attention and Inquiry must be directed to what the earth actually IS. It is not a concept. It is not an Illusion.

It is a popular notion that reality is just an illusion and that nothing is real. We have heard many people

Sunday, October 30, 2022

What Is-Real?...

by Tim Che'

Another take on the theme, "The Maker Being Lost in the Made"

The focus of this post is the quote in the accompanying picture. To be lost in the "Made" is to be lost in what Is-Real, or IsRael. It is an unconscious form of narcissism and a very difficult trap to get out of.

For you see, we have, over time, created the ultimate gate-keeper of the trap... the intellectual faculties of the mind. Which regards truth only in terms of what appears to be real. Not realizing that what it sees in the external world is a result of a cause.

And that cause is the Imagination.

Which created something out of nothing. Something the science-priests of the world have yet to do and they will be unlikely to discover it using the external eyes of logic and reasoning.

The crisis in today's world is a Spiritual one, not a religious one. The battle is raging in you, and is being externalized in the "real" world. (read, The Battle of Armageddon")

So, to see this world as REAL, is to be trapped forever in it with no way out. But what created the world as it is, can create it as you would like it to be. It is the only creative power in the universe and it is the power that sustains it... The Imagination.

So, to see things as "Real" is to deny that all things are possible to God, and God is your Imagination.
And god and you are ONE.

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Evolution of YOU...

 At time 26:30, Bill outlines the evolution of you;

  1. Starting with the Adam (atom)
  2. Then the removal of the rib (the splitting of the atom)
  3. Then Eve is introduced (the introduction of thought)
  4. Then came the Serpent (the introduction of contradictory thought)
  5. Conflict is then developed through Cain and Able
  6. We left the Garden of Eden  moving into the Left-brain/ego/intellect
  7. Then we activate Abram, the power with us to overcome the left
  8. We have to get rid of Lot, the part of us that wants to live in Sodom
  9. We overcome Lot, but the Ego makes a last ditch effort to make a deal; Offers you all the riches of Sodom to give yourself over to it.
  10. You reject the offer and are filled with Spirit and are know as AbraHAm.
  11. You are now seated at the right hand of God (right side of the brain) where Melchizadeck appears to bring the bread and wine (spiritual truth and understanding)
 Tithing is how you do this. Tithing is "Putting away the 10%". The 10% is the left-brain. Meditation is the invitation to this Tithing.
Watch the entire video... PRICELESS!

Watch any of his 900+ videos click here

Friday, June 24, 2022

Mental Diets


Mental Diets...

 Dare You to Read This Every Night Before You Go to Bed and See What Happens!

Neville Goddard  1955


Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in. We could no more stop talking to ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking. All that we can do is control the nature and the direction of our inner conversations. Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstance of our life.

We are told that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." But do we know that man's thinking
follows the tracks laid down in his own inner conversations? To turn the tracks to which he is tied in the direction in which he wants to go, he must put off his former conversation, which is called in the Bible the Old Man, and be renewed in the spirit of his mind. Speech is the image of mind; therefore, to change his mind, he must first change his speech. By 'speech' is meant those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves.

The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations. For there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. 

When man discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and his mission in life. Then he can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he acts unconsciously. Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations which go on in us without our being aware of them. But as civilized beings, we must become aware of them and act with a purpose.

A man's mental conversations attracts his life. As long as there is no change in his inner talking, the personal history of the man remains the same. To attempt to change the world before we change our inner talking is to struggle against the very nature of things. Man can go round and round in the same circle of disappointments and misfortunes, not seeing them as caused by his own negative inner talking, but as caused by others... Read More:

This may seem far-fetched, but it is a matter which lends itself to research and experiment. The formula the chemist illustrates is not more certainly provable than the formula of this science by which words are clothed in objective reality.

One day a girl told me of her difficulties in working with her employer. She was convinced that he unjustly criticized and rejected her very best efforts. Upon hearing her story, I explained that if she thought him unfair, it was a sure sign that she herself was in need of a new conversation piece. There was no doubt but that she was mentally arguing with her employer, for others only echo that which we whisper to them in secret.

She confessed that she argued mentally with him all day long. When she realized what she had been doing, she agreed to change her inner conversations with her employer. She imagined that he had congratulated her on her fine work, and that she in turn had thanked him for his praise and kindness. To her great delight, she soon discovered that her own attitude was the cause of all that befell her.

Feed Your Head

Monday, June 6, 2022

The Strange Woman

Here, Bill again points out what is part of our constant vigil... and that is that once you have built your temple/heaven, beware of the strange woman that will distract you and destroy the temple:

Thursday, May 19, 2022


Our Wish for you:

"That you may Become Love"

 To know love you must inquire.
Answers are implied in questions, so ask yourself, "What is Love?"

Asking yourself this one question, over and over and over again, is the most trans-formative activity that an individual can engage in. Years ago, I became obsessed with this question, in a way that is impossible to put into words.


...Was it just a feeling? What was that feeling? Where was I feeling the sensations? What were those sensations? Is it a feeling of possession? of Security? of relief?  Is love pleasure? Is love infatuation? Is it adoration? Is love just an emotion? What is it to "fall" into Love? How does Love work? Are there really different kinds of Love? I love my parents and I love my dog, I love my car, I love certain foods, I love my children and my friends, I love being in nature etc, etc... Is this love all the same? Is love greater for one than another? Are there different levels of Love? What is it to love a country, or maybe a song?

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Food for Thought?

What are YOU feeding your mind?
 Let us talk about mental nutrition.
'You are what you eat' with the body.
'You become what you consume' with the mind. 
It's pretty obvious that this is true for the body. But isn't it interesting that have not applied this rule to the mind? The mind wants to be fed compulsively 'More'. 

More information, more drama, more excitement, more violence, more knowledge, more sex, the absolute latest breaking news… as if it would make a difference in the world if we heard about it 2 hours later. This blind and ravenous consumption of media has made our minds heavy, dull and obese... fattening up on the idea that what is going on 'out there' is more important than what is right in front of you 'right now'.

The highly processed and cleverly crafted messages we consume are clogging up the digestive system of the mind, making it nearly impossible to extract what little nutrition is hidden there.  

A high-fat diet of: traumatic television, nasty newsprint and pathological periodicals contributes to the 'heart' disease of the mind, keeping us internally in conflict and judgment, thus leading to an emotional cardiac arrest and a heartless world.

 Mental nutrition high with the cholesterol of conflict, conspiracy and creative consumerism, hardens up the arteries of freethinking. Mind-foods full of behavioral preservatives subversively sell us everything from chocolate-chip cookies, to national propaganda, to what a human being is supposed to look like and behave like, thus cementing un-asked-for belief systems to an unaware consumer. These are just a few of the external hazards of this kind of mental nutrition. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Truth is a Pathless Land...

The following speech is, in our opinion, one of the greatest delivery of words to man, from man,

 exists in history. Studying the penetrating teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, one comes to the conclusion that problems created by thought cannot be solved by thought. Thought.... thinking... and the abstractions that result can be a perilous field, especially for most of us who do not understand the workings of the mind, the nature of time and the meaning of love. 

Most of us are completely identified with our thinking, our beliefs, values etc... We think we are our thoughts. But who is doing all this thinking? Where does a thought come from? Who is the observer? What is the observed? Can we penetrate the superficial meaning of words to find reality? And if we can, What do we find?

The thinking part of the mind does not like these questions much... because it has been happily in control of our lives for a long time and is not really interested in any truth that would reduce it's grip on controlling what we think is real. Such questioning threatens the very existence of the mind-created self and it will do desperate things to protect itself. This desperation is reflected in the conflict and chaos of today's world.

Truth Is A Pathless Land

What follows is the speech made by Jiddu Krishnamurti in 1929 when he dissolved the Order of the Star. The Order of the Star was the organization built

Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Map is not the Territory...

By Tim Che'

I don't know about you, but I have always been fascinated by maps. Maps are handy things to have when you want to get somewhere that you have not been before.  I love getting a sense of the spatial relationship of where I am to my surroundings. I have spent an inordinate amount of time looking at maps and things like Google Earth. And, even as detailed as Google Earth can be, I am ALWAYS astonished to discover that the actual place is not at all like the map, or Google Earth with the street view! It is always MUCH more in depth, and full of life, and overwhelming to the senses... a profound level of awareness and presence in an eternal moment that no map could ever come close to.

There are many kinds of maps... not just about locations and roads or paths. Religions are a map to
God, supposedly. Science is the modern map of  the material world. Pharmaceuticals and surgeries are a popular map to health.

There are mind-maps, star maps, and even a map of human consciousness. And all maps are created through someone's remembered and recorded perceptions and/or analysis of hopefully accurate data. Hopefully, of course, for anyone who wishes to follow the map and get to a particular destination.

So, maps attempt to lay out the territory and build paths to destinations. Then we discover...

And what does that say about "destinations" as it relates to "truth"? Let us address that later as we continue to explore "maps".

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

What's the "Matter" with You?

by Tim Che'

For some time now, I have been suspicious about science and it's limitations, particularly when it comes to the mind and ideas like "Transhumanism" and "The Singularity". I am reminded by Neville that... "The creator is always greater than the created" AND:

"Facts always follow, they never precede" 

In other words, something caused everything that exists. Something preceded the fact. It was before the fact. That something is Consciousness.
Science is ill-equipped to explore the cause
of matter. The only thing that "matters" to science is matter. As a matter of fact, facts are the only thing that matters to the logical mind of reason. But something "caused" the matter. To discover this cause, you must quiet the part of the mind that is only concerned with matter, with facts, with the results of the cause. If you are successful in your quest to find the "cause", the rest of the world will look at you and say;

"What's the matter with you!?"

They can only translate what you have discovered in terms of the matter that they are lost in. It is the story of the narcissist, who does not know that the world is his own reflection, and he loses himself in his own image, his own projection.

There is no way to "know"-your-way out of this current reality... 

The only knowledge that is possible, is self knowledge. It is not possible to know any more than self, and that is true on every level of creation and every dimension of the Imagination. This includes ascended masters and etheric beings, and Aliens, who seem to be greater than what we believe that we are. We make ourselves  'Grasshoppers in a land of Giants' but at the end of the day, only one thing is actually happening and that is that consciousness is seeking its own self-definition.

I found this video the other day and I like the way this topic is presented here. I think you will as well.... and you can't beat the presenter's credentials.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Real Cause of Cancer...

Every page of this web/blog is dedicated to the expression of a revolution in human consciousness, revealed in the Awakened Imagination, as the cause of all phenomenon. Clearly, health or disease is caused by the "inner" life of the individual more than the "outer".  Here, Andreas Moritz, explains the true cause of cancer and eloquently shows us that disease is fundamentally psycho-somatic and comes from our state of mind... Which is exactly what we have been teaching about the relationship between the Human Imagination and reality. As a close friend and contemporary of Che's, that she befriended while living in Minnesota, we thank you with all our heart! Andreas Moritz... R. I. P.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Garden of Eden is the Mind of Man

You are the Gardener of your mind. 
You have been given the responsibility to, "Dress it and to keep it". 

Perhaps you have been taking a nap... and weeds have begun to grow in your mind during your slumber. Take a look around and what do you see? If you see the weeds of anger, or violence, or despair, disease, poverty, etc, etc,... you can immediately begin to prune them with your mind.

You will need  
"The Pruning Shears of Revision"  

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Law of Reversibility...

Consciousness and Matter are One phenomenon. All transformations of force are reversible.
Electricity can produce magnetism... and magnetism can be used to produce electricity.
Heat can produce mechanical motion... and mechanical motion can be used to produce heat.
Cause and effect, matter and energy, action and reaction are the same and inter-convertible.
When you fully understand this law, you will begin to tame and master your mind and shape your world into your ideal.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Beyond the Consciousness of Healing

 Beyond the Consciousness of Healing

Published by Edge Life, A Holistic Journal, March 2006 
by Tim Che'

What lies beyond the consciousness of healing is a topic to ponder, not one to debate.  It is a perspective about what you believe and how you manifest your world.  It is your choice what to believe is true, a choice that nobody can take away from you.  But once you have chosen what is true for you, will you realize that the circumstances you will meet have been pre-arranged from your preconceived notions of what is true and your only choice from then on is how you will react to these circumstances?  What comes your way is predetermined from your choice, your selection —whether intentional or not—of a state of consciousness.  The following is a dialog about choice from the broadest perspective: the choice of what you believe to be true about the world and you. You have but one choice to make that will determine the course of everything in your world and your role in it:

Do you believe that your inner conversations and mental activity are a result of your life-circumstances? 

Or, do you believe that your life-circumstances are a result of your inner conversations and mental activity?

Your Only Choice

If you believe the former—that your inner conversations and mental activity are a result of your
external life-circumstances—then your only choice from now on is in how you will react to the circumstances prepared for you by the chosen state of consciousness you occupy, and you might even be quite unaware of your choice altogether.  You will be a “re-actor” reacting to the facts your chosen state of consciousness presents to you.  You might even feel successful or an expert in your reactions.  Others might admire the results of your reactions, but you are still limited by your chosen field of reaction. Since we are discussing going beyond healing consciousness, if you are a “healer” and are comfortably identified with that state you may save yourself the energy of any conflict that could arise from reading further by stopping now and continuing in the world—the consciousness—of your choosing.  No one can deny you that anyway.

If, however, after careful consideration you decide to believe the latter—that your life-circumstances are a result of your inner conversations and mental activity— you can begin to understand you are God, a Creator. This will be the premise for the rest of the dialog and by agreeing, if you notice any arguments creeping into your mind, it may be that you have changed your mind about the premise.

Command and Control

So, as a creator, do you have command over your inner conversations and mental activity?  Do you have control over the direction of your creation?  Is your habitual state of mind predominant in defining your world?  Do you run over the same old patterns of likes, dislikes, agitations, addictions, and desires for knowledge?  These patterns are representative of the state of consciousness you have wittingly or unwittingly chosen and are reflected in your reality, which is projected onto the screen of space to become your experience.

There are infinite states of consciousness and mankind is continually moving in and out of these states, mostly unaware.  You are always in a “state” and it is useful to realize that you are separate from the